For a different view of Chechens, a performance of G-Town covering the Blues Brothers:
Syrian Bombing Victims send Condolences to Boston
Rep. Peter King Calls on FBI to put him under Close Surveillance and Profile Redheads
Satire. Or not. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY) called on Saturday for close and constant FBI surveillance of himself. “Let’s not be politically correct,” the congressman told surprised agents. “I have a long history as a material supporter of terrorism. Someone needs to keep a closer eye on me.” He admitted having complained about what […]
Is LindJohn’s notion of an Enemy Combatant Racist? How about attempted Assassination of the Commander in Chief?
Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain (or as I refer to them, LindJohn) have demanded that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev be charged as an enemy combatant rather than tried as an American civilian. This attempt to sidestep the US Constitution by creating an alternative jurisdiction, and to try civilians in military courts, is a stride toward dictatorship. […]
Chechen Jihadis Reject Tsarnaevs (OSC)
The USG Open Source Center translates a reaction from the Caucasus Emirate Islamic insurgency on the news that the Tsarnaev brothers are accused of the Boston Marathon bombing. The CEII casts doubt on their guilt and also on the plausibility that these are jihadis, given their internet profiles at Russian-language sites. It does not claim […]
Moroccan, Indian have lives Ruined by old, new Media, falsely Accused of Boston Bombing
US judges’ famous reluctance to apply libel laws because of the First Amendment may need to be revisited. We can’t be having peoples’ lives ruined by being falsely accused, with photographs of them going viral. In essence, contemporary mass and social media are turning everyone into a potential Salman Rushdie. And geez, guys, Afro-Asia is […]
How not to Cover a Mass Murder (Charlie Brooker Video)
Charlie Brooker and a forensic psychiatrist give the television news media tips on how and how not to cover a mass murder. Takeaway: Don’t obsess about the killer or make him a celebrity of sorts, don’t dramatize the violence, and localize the story as a quotidian one.
Palestinians Displaced again, to Camps in Lebanon
One of the horrible things about being stateless is that you are a flying Dutchman, never assured of being able to live in your own home. Being stateless, you have no state and no citizenship in anything. It means that you don’t have firm title to your own property, because you have no access to […]
Videos on the Present and Past of Chechnya
Here are some videos for Saturday viewing that give a sense of the recent tragic history of Chechnya and of Russian policy toward it today. Also for print sources, see this brief history of Daghestan and Chechnya from the Smithsonian Magazine. A reader sent in this insightful comment yesterday, which I’m moving up here: ” […]