Democracy Now! interviews the Iceland member of parliament, access to whose twitter account was summarily demanded by the US government because of her involvement in Wikileaks and whistleblowing on US actions in Iraq. Icelandic Lawmaker Birgitta Jónsdóttir on Challenging Gov’t Secrecy from Twitter to Bradley Manning The blurb: “Icelandic Parliamentarian Birgitta Jónsdóttir played a critical […]
Top Ten Ways Margaret Thatcher’s Policies Made our World more Unequal
The late Margaret Thatcher had an enormous impact on Britain and the world, but her legacy has been a more unequal, less prosperous Britain and world. She championed the wealthy and threw the national income to them; she systematically undermined the poor and middle classes. She championed neo-militarism and refusal to compromise in world affairs, […]
Deep Sanctions on Iran are Repeating the Deadly Mistakes of Iraq (Hindawi)
Coralie Pison Hindawi writes in a guest column for Informed Comment On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Iraq invasion (a war unleashed following twelve years of the most comprehensive sanctions regime ever adopted by the UN Security Council), it is particularly ironic to read the numerous reports documenting the worrying impact sanctions […]
Ontario First Major Industrial Region to Abolish Dirty Coal Plants (Coal should be Illegal)
Coal plants are the world’s most abundant and most dangerous source of carbon dioxide emissions and the most important single driver of catastrophic climate change. The two biggest CO2 polluters, China and the US, both owe their infamy to their large number of coal plants. All coal plants in the world need to be closed […]
13-year-old Iranian Girl Sings Adele’s ‘Someone like You’
For a different view of Iranian youth than the images of anger and menace most often purveyed in US media (as Rami Khoury rightly argues): 13-year-old Iranian girl sings Adele’s ‘Someone like You’. h/t Youtube & By the way, apparently Google News does not index Lebanon’s Daily Star, since I couldn’t find Rami’s article […]
Egypt: New Left and Coptic Christians Demand Toppling of Muslim Brotherhood Regime
A small crowd of some 500 marched in downtown Cairo on Saturday calling for the fall of the Muhammad Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, regime. It was led by the April 6 youth movement, which has turned decisively against the country’s first elected president because he and his party have been acting in dictatorial ways reminiscent of […]
Denmark 25% Wind-Powered, Going for 50% in 8 Years
Denmark gets 25% of its total electricity from wind turbines, and aims to double that by 2020. Part of its strategy is not just putting in more wind turbines but also introducing savings in electricity use. Xinhua has a video report:
How the US Pays off innocent Drone Victims (Currier)
Cora Currier writes at ProPublica The U.S. drone war remains cloaked in secrecy, and as a result, questions swirl around it. Who exactly can be targeted? When can a U.S. citizen be killed? Another, perhaps less frequently asked question: What happens when innocent civilians are killed in drone strikes? In February, during his confirmation process, […]
The Real Reason for Climate Change Denial: Oil Cos. Would lose 60% of their Value
HSBC estimates that if the world adopted the policies necessary to keep global warming to only 2 degrees C. (3.6 degrees F.), oil companies would abruptly lose 60% of their value, as Hilde øvrebekk Lewis points out. Likewise, if the true cost of climate change and the inevitability of the need to move quickly to […]