Tom Giesen writes in a guest column at Informed Comment The option to avoid 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C) of global warming – our goal for more than 10 years – is out of reach: we have emitted too many greenhouse gases and are on a much warmer trajectory. In 2000, we had many […]
Dear Rightwing Catholic Islamophobes: Pope Francis just washed the feet of a Poor Muslim
Pope Francis on Maundy Thursday declined to address enormous crowds. Instead he went to a prison to emulate Jesus’s act of humility before his crucifixion in washing the feet of his 12 disciples. The pope washed and kissed the feet of 12 inmates, two of them women and two of them Muslim (one of the […]
Vaccinations are not Harming our Children, but Coal sure is!
Yet again, researchers have found that there is no link between vaccines and autism. It is a myth, a hysteria, and a dangerous one, since large numbers of unvaccinated children are an epidemic waiting to happen. Why so many Americans go running off on such wild goose chases but can’t see the nose on their […]
Carter: Guinea Worm parasite on verge of being wiped out (Cenk Uygur)
Cenk Uygur interviews former president Jimmy Carter concerning his imminent complete eradication of the deadly guinea worm: This extremely impressive achievement of Carter and his Carter Center is one that I have discussed at some length in the past. Let’s just recall that some former presidents go around speaking for large sums, whereas Carter in […]
If Guns were as Regulated as Cars . . . (Poster)
h/t Allvoices
Amnesia or Cowardice? American Anniversaries we’d Rather Forget (Engelhardt)
Tom Engelhardt writes at It’s true that, last week, few in Congress cared to discuss, no less memorialize, the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Nonetheless, two anniversaries of American disasters and crimes abroad — the “mission accomplished” debacle of 2003 and the 45th anniversary of the My Lai massacre — were at least noted in passing in […]
Dear President Obama: Let’s Help Yemen instead of Droning It
This is a [pdf] letter to President Obama pleading for a substantial rethink of Yemen policy in his second term, which I among other Middle East experts signed. It was worked up by the Yemen Policy Initiative of the Atlantic Council and the Project on Middle East Democracy. Yemen gets little news coverage in the […]
Mopping up with Muslim Sharia (Colbert Report)
Among all of the obsessions of the Red States, the fixation on the danger of Muslim law (sharia) taking over the United States is the most bizarre. How would that happen, exactly? But the Oklahoma State Legislature actually passed a law forbidding resort to Muslim law. How many Muslims can there even be in Oklahoma. […]
Palestinians Protest illegal Israeli Theft of Water Rights
Palestinians staged a protest march on Wednesday to protest Israeli denial to their villages of their water rights. Israelis now take 80% of the water from the Palestinian West Bank and each Israeli gets far more water per day than each Palestinian. The Israelis coerce the Palestine authorities into arrangements whereby Israeli squatters get the […]