Jon Stewart of the Daily Show comments on this week’s Israel election. The takeaway? If being critical of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is “anti-Semitic,” then half of Israel turns out to be anti-Semitic. Netanyahu’s Likud/ Yisrael Beitenu party combo did very poorly. The Daily Show with Jon StewartGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & […]
UN to look into US Drone Program, but the Biggest Victim is Democracy
The US use of armed drones in northern Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen is now being investigated by the United Nations as a human rights abuse or even a war crime. If drones produce significant civilian casualties, their use may be a war crime. If their use constitutes a disproportionate response, it could be a war […]
Top Ten Republican Myths on Benghazi that Justify Hillary Clinton’s Anger
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton let Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) have it in her testimony about Benghazi on Wednesday:
Global Warming is a Domestic Crisis (Cole at Truthdig)
My column is out at Truthdig entitled “Global Warming is a Domestic Crisis” Excerpt: “At a time of continued unemployment and Republican assaults on workers’ rights, the climate crisis may not seem like a pressing bread and butter concern. However it is vital for the president and his allies in Congress to remember that those […]
Netanyahu Emerges Weakened, But Most under Israeli Apartheid were Disenfranchised
Early returns for the Israeli elections suggest that turnout was high in secular areas like Tel Aviv and in some Palestinian-Israeli districts, whereas it was low in conservative strongholds. As a result the combined Likud coalition with Yisrael Beitenu only got about 31 seats (the Israeli parliament has 120). Likud is a far rightwing party […]
Obama’s Inaugural and the Danger of an Iran War
President Obama addressed the big issues of war and peace in his inaugural address, and despite the vagueness of some of his pronouncements, they contain strong clues to his foreign policy agenda in the Middle East. His announced policy will be one of ending US military engagements abroad, multilateral cooperation with allies to face security […]
Top Ten Ways President Obama has Expanded our Rights, in Rev. King’s Footsteps
In holding his inaugural on Martin Luther King Day, President Obama is underlining his achievement as the first African-American president and the first and only to win two terms. But he is also honoring the legacy of Dr. King, without whom the phenomenon of Barack Obama would have likely been impossible. It is appropriate on […]
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Last Speech Pleading to Preserve our First Amendment Rights
In his last speech before being assassinated, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. complained about unjustified curbs on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly: It has only gotten worse.
Obama Sworn in for Second Term Sunday (Mitch McConnell Photograph)
Obama Sworn in to Second Term: “Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny Barack Obama a second term.” – Mitch McConnell