Children around the world are suffering, increasingly unsafe, and preyed upon in ever larger numbers
The New Role of the US Navy as Brig for the World
During the first 20 years of the drug interdiction program, the U.S. detained around 200 individuals per year on board ships.
How Guantanamo Set the Stage for the Kavanaugh Hearings
( – Amid the emotional hubbub over the predictable confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, there has been a largely overlooked casualty: the American judiciary. It’s not the end result alone — his addition to the highest bench in the land where he will sit for life — that promises to damage the country, but the unprofessional, […]
TrumpWorld: A Vast Guantanamo Bay just for Children
A requiem for a tragedy that has barely ended (if it has)
How Trump’s 2000 lies are Termites chomping at the Foundations of Democracy
We are facing an incremental dismantling of our institutions