( Middle East Monitor ) – The Palestinian Authority is once again seeking full membership of the UN, and the US has already expressed its opposition. The two-state compromise continues to form the premise for the arguments both for and against UN membership, as presented by the PA and the US respectively. However, the PA’s […]
Israeli Leaders Gantz and Lapid May differ on Meeting Abbas, but They agree on the Fate of the Palestinians
( Middle East Monitor ) – For Israeli officials who disagree with the meetings between Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, the latter’s remarks during a press conference in Germany provided an opportunity to showcase their opposition. Abbas later retracted his statement about Israel committing 50 holocausts against the Palestinians […]
Faced with Killing of American Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, US Priority has been to Preserve Israel’s Impunity
( Middle East Monitor) – The developments in the “investigation” into the targeted killing of Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh point rather too obviously to the preservation of Israel’s ability to act with impunity. Matters went downhill in the aftermath of Abu Akleh’s killing when Israeli military spokesman Ran Kochav put forward an […]
In Biden World, Palestinians are not an Occupied Nation-in-Waiting but a mere Charity Case
( Middle East Monitor ) – When the Palestinian Authority leader jumped on the US bandwagon spouting status quo rhetoric, he should have remembered President Joe Biden’s dedication to Zionism and colonial Israel. Upon arriving in Israel yesterday for a two day visit during which he will also go to the occupied West Bank, Biden […]
Occupying Habits. Everyday Media as Warfare in Israel-Palestine
Reviw of Daniel Mann, Occupying Habits. Everyday Media as Warfare in Israel-Palestine. London: I.B. Tauris ( Middle East Monitor) – “Sovereignty is made out of a patchwork, weaved together from institutions, private companies, and most significantly technology itself, which dictates certain behaviour and habits.” Israel’s security narrative has become heavily reliant on media technology, as […]
Israel’s impunity is boosted by the US whitewash of Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing
( Middle East Monitor) – The Palestinian Authority’s refusal to hand over the bullet which killed Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was short lived. So was any hypothetical expectation of justice from an Israeli investigation supervised by the US. According to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), Israeli soldiers did not fire deliberately at Abu Akleh […]
72% of Palestinians view 2-State Option as non-Viable given Israeli land-grabs, and 23% want a Joint State
( Middle East Monitor ) – A recent poll by the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research showed that there is significant disillusion with Palestinian politics. Arguably most notable is the opposition to Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s decision-making, a further deterioration in his popularity as leader and, more importantly, a decrease in support […]
No, America, the UN Human Rights Council Report on Israeli Violations against Palestinians isn’t the Obstacle to Peace
( Middle East Monitor ) – The UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry recently released report on the violations in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) has infuriated Israel and sparked another statement from the US State Department on the so-called “one-sided biased approach that does nothing to advance the prospects for peace. The report […]
Even CNN concluded that Israeli Snipers Targeted Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh; But this Tactic is Routine
( Middle East Monitor ) – Israel’s public relations and diplomacy may be running into a few pitfalls, as US mainstream media outlet CNN explicitly called out Israel’s responsibility in the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. During a recent phone conversation with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid […]