By Sonali Kolhatkar | ( ) – Rebuilding from California’s recent wildfires will cost more than a quarter of a trillion dollars — an unprecedented amount. The estimated damage from Hurricane Helene in the Southeast is almost as much, on the order of $250 billion. Who will pay for that damage? It’s a question […]
Trump is Already Rewarding Fossil Fuel CEOs; That’s not Good for Consumers or the Planet
If you think fossil fuel profits lead to better prices, then look again at the Biden administration. ( ) – During his campaign, Donald Trump publicly promised to reward oil and gas executives handsomely in exchange for funding his campaign. Within weeks of winning the election, he’s making good on his promise by tapping […]
Taking a Hard Look at Police Killings
By Sonali Kolhatkar | – ( ) – Last year was the deadliest on record for police killings in the United States. According to a Washington Post database, law enforcement officers shot and killed 1,096 people in 2022. And that’s likely an understatement. According to Abdul Nasser Rad, a research director at Campaign Zero, […]
Tackling Inflation By Rewarding the Rich Is a Fool’s Errand
By Sonali Kolhatkar | – ( ) – British Prime Minister Liz Truss recently resigned after just 45 days in office, disgraced by her own economic prescriptions. There’s a lesson here for the United States, a nation beset by similar economic troubles. The main takeaway? Tackling inflation by rewarding the rich is a fool’s […]
How Long Will We Sacrifice Our Kids to the Gun Lobby’s Paranoia?
( Otherwords ) – Mass shootings are good for gun sales. In the days following the horrific school massacre in Uvalde, Texas, firearm stocks rose. Gun buyers, conditioned to fear new restrictions, tend to run out and buy more weapons after shootings like this one. They seem to believe that lawmakers will respond to mass […]
There’s No Better Time to Buy an Electric Car and Kick Our Oil Addiction
( ) – Long used to cheap gas at the pump, Americans are experiencing serious sticker shock these days. News headlines link this sharp increase to Russia’s war on Ukraine. But that assumes oil companies have no control over the price of oil — that high prices stem “naturally” from things like the war […]
If the US Gov’t Can Swing into Action on Covid, why Can’t it provide us Universal Health Care?
( ) – There has been a Jekyll and Hyde quality to American health care over the past two years. One the one hand, the federal government has been actively intervening to help people avoid COVID-19 or recover from it. On the other, it’s standing by as Americans struggle with other ailments, exposing the […]
We Don’t Need Another Oil Pipeline
By Sonali Kolhatkar | – ( ) – A decades-old pipeline called Line 3, run by the Canadian company Enbridge, is in the midst of a controversial upgrade. That has sparked fierce resistance from Indigenous communities living along the route. Line 3 is being replaced to transport nearly 800,000 barrels of dirty tar sands […]
Defund the Pentagon, Too
(Foreign Policy in Focus) – When Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) introduced a resolution recently to cut $350 billion from the Defense budget, the only media outlets that covered her bill were independent progressive ones. In a statement on her website Lee said, “For years, our government has failed to invest in programs that actually keep […]