By Hussein A. Amery | – People who fled Syria in recent years are often viewed as war refugees because of the violence that has engulfed much of the country since 2011. But those from the northern and northeastern parts of Syria may more accurately be viewed as climate refugees, fleeing not a worsening conflict […]
You Mean we’re at War in Somalia? The Hidden Costs of U.S. Airstrikes
By Bryce W. Reeder | The US is an active participant in the war against Al-Shabaab in Somalia, efforts that have increased in the last few years under the Trump Administration. The strategy involves using airstrikes to assist Somali ground forces in recapturing territory controlled by Al-Shabaab. In addition, there have been attempts to take […]
Rick Perry’s belief that Trump was chosen by God is shared by many in a fast-growing Christian movement
By Brad Christerson and Richard Flory | – In a recent interview with Fox News, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry stated that Donald Trump was chosen by God to be president. He said throughout history God had picked “imperfect people” such as King David or Solomon to lead their people. Perry is not alone. A […]
Where will the Millions of Refugees Created by our burning Fossil Fuels Go?
By Derek Groen and Diana Suleimenova | – In the near future, global warming is expected to create millions of climate refugees, and individuals and organisations are already searching for ways to help them. Some ideas are obvious, such as improving conditions in refugee camps. gregorioa / shutterstock But there are also more high-tech projects […]
Our hair Should be on Fire about the Climate Emergency–And we have the Technology to Resolve It
Andreas Busch | – When it comes to tackling climate change the UK is still taking baby steps. A lot more needs to be done – and fast – to hit the 2050 net zero carbon emission targets, which involves offsetting any emissions by absorbing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere. While this process can […]
Top 5 Ways Corrupt Corporations spend $200 Mn/ yr. to spread Confusion and Denial about Climate Emergency
By Mark Maslin | – The fossil fuel industry, political lobbyists, media moguls and individuals have spent the past 30 years sowing doubt about the reality of climate change – where none exists. The latest estimate is that the world’s five largest publicly-owned oil and gas companies spend about US$200 million a year on lobbying […]
Kurdish Yazidi Survivors of ISIL Massacre, Female Enslavement, Demand Justice
By Tutku Ayhan and Güneş Murat Tezcür | – It’s been five years since the Islamic State killed 3,100 Yazidi people in Iraq – mostly men and the elderly – forced 6,800 women and children into sexual slavery, marriage or religious conversion and sent hundreds of thousands fleeing. The Islamic State saw the Yazidis as […]
How American anti-Semitism reflects the centuries-long struggle over the meaning of religious liberty
By Tisa Wenger | – Americans recently observed the first anniversary of the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, in which 11 were killed and six wounded. A year earlier, white supremacist marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia, chanted the slogan, “Jews shall not replace us.” Synagogues around the country have also been defaced […]
These Young Muslims want to meet Islamophobes and Change their Minds. And it’s Working
By Ihsan Yilmaz, Ana-Maria Bliuc, and Fethi Mansouri | – The political influence of the far-right, along with a more salient national security agenda, has spurred a growing anti-Muslim sentiment and deep social division in Australia. While most research participants believe in the power of contact, dialogue and exchange to transform negative attitudes. Shutterstock In […]