By Blanche Verlie | – I moved to Sydney less than five weeks ago and the city has been shrouded in smoke haze on and off since then. I joke this is my “Sydney hazing” but it’s only now – having worked on climate change for over a decade – that I’m suddenly feeling burnt […]
Britain Votes Overwhelmingly to Leave Europe Now with Boris Johnson Landslide
By Laura Hood | – Results are still rolling in but it looks as though Prime Minister Boris Johnson has secured a big victory in the British general election. He looks set to have gone from a minority government to a very large parliamentary majority. Projections based on exit polling and early results indicate his […]
Top 5 Reasons Buddhist Myanmar has been Charged with Genocide of Rohingya Muslims
By Catesby Holmes | – Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi is defending Myanmar in court against accusations of genocide. According to a case brought by the country of Gambia at the United Nations’ International Court of Justice, the Myanmar military in August 2017 carried out a systematic, targeted campaign of terror, rape and murder […]
Divestment, Decolonization and Resistance: How to Stop Our Carbon Dioxide Monster
By Diana Vela Almeida,Catherine Windey, Gert Van Hecken, Melissa Moreano, Nicolas Kosoy, Vijay Kolinjivadi | – We are in the midst of a global environmental crisis and the sense of urgency becomes ever more evident with each additional story of climate disasters, ecological tipping points and climate records being shattered somewhere in the world. At […]
Not Just Weather: Climate Crisis is About Food Shortages and Lack of Security
By Julian Heyes | – Climate change is altering conditions that sustain food production, with cascading consequences for food security and global economies. Recent research evaluated the simultaneous impacts of climate change on agriculture and marine fisheries globally. Modelling of those impacts under a business-as-usual carbon emission scenario suggested about 90% of the world’s population […]
Green Democracy: This small German town took back the power – and went fully renewable
By Bertie Russell | – The case for ambitious and transformative environmental policy is being made with increasing fervour and a series of “Green New Deals” – a reference to Roosevelt’s economic reform programme in the 1930s – have been proposed over the past 12 months in the US, Europe, and the UK. Such policies […]
Your Global Carbon Dioxide Output will hit Record ~37 bn. Tons and it is Very Bad News
By Pep Canadell, Corinne Le Quéré, Glen Peters, Pierre Friedlingstein, Robbie Andrew< , Rob Jackson and Vanessa Haverd | - Global emissions for 2019 are predicted to hit 36.8 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO₂), setting yet another all-time record. This disturbing result means emissions have grown by 62% since international climate negotiations began in […]
Climate Crisis, Not Conflict, Drove Many Syrian Refugees from their Homes
By Hussein A. Amery | – People who fled Syria in recent years are often viewed as war refugees because of the violence that has engulfed much of the country since 2011. But those from the northern and northeastern parts of Syria may more accurately be viewed as climate refugees, fleeing not a worsening conflict […]
You Mean we’re at War in Somalia? The Hidden Costs of U.S. Airstrikes
By Bryce W. Reeder | The US is an active participant in the war against Al-Shabaab in Somalia, efforts that have increased in the last few years under the Trump Administration. The strategy involves using airstrikes to assist Somali ground forces in recapturing territory controlled by Al-Shabaab. In addition, there have been attempts to take […]