By Eve Darian-Smith, University of California, Irvine | – Around the world, many countries are becoming less democratic. This backsliding on democracy and “creeping authoritarianism,” as the U.S. State Department puts it, is often supported by the same industries that are escalating climate change. In my new book, “Global Burning: Rising Antidemocracy and the Climate […]
A year of Hunger: How the Russia-Ukraine War is worsening climate-linked Food Crises
By Ro McFarlane, University of Canberra; Nenad Naumovski, University of Canberra; and Shawn Somerset, University of Canberra | – Global wheat prices have soared since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. The two nations account for 30%of the world’s wheat exports. That means many low-income nations who are net food importers are bracing for a year […]
Colonialism: why leading Climate Scientists have finally acknowledged its Link with Climate Change
By Harriet Mercer, University of Cambridge | – The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)‘s sixth and latest report on the impact of global warming on our planet, published earlier this month, reiterates many of its predecessors’ warnings: chiefly that climate change threatens global disaster if we do not act to avert it. Yet it […]
Contemporary Muslim Artists continue to adapt Islamic Patterns to challenge Ideas about fixed Culture
By Soheila Kolahdouz Esfahani, Western University | – What is culture? In today’s globalized world, we are familiar with seeing various cultural objects and ornamentation outside of their original location or context. If culture is not fixed and bound to a particular location, how does culture move and transform? Ornamentation in Islamic art — patterned […]
Putin and Le Pen: The History of an Alliance between Russia and France’s far Right
By Marlene Laruelle, George Washington University | – Days before the second round of the French presidential elections, far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen (Rassemblement National, RN) spelled out some of her foreign policy priorities: limit military support to Ukraine and steer clear from voting new sanctions against Russia; leave NATO’s integrated command; and relaunch […]
Climate change triggering global Collapse in Insect Numbers: stressed Farmland shows 63% Decline
By Tim Newbold, UCL; and Charlie Outhwaite, UCL | – Insects are critical to the future of our planet. They help to keep pest species under control and break down dead material to release nutrients into the soil. Flying insects are also key pollinators of many major food crops, including fruits, spices and – importantly […]
Is it possible to heal the damage we have already done to the Earth?
Scott Denning | – Sometimes it may seem that humans have altered the Earth beyond repair. But our planet is an incredible system in which energy, water, carbon and so much else flows and nurtures life. It is about 4.5 billion years old and has been through enormous changes. Is it possible to heal the […]
The Rise of Russian Grievance Culture
By Gregory Carleton, Tufts University | – The range of anti-Russian measures taken by countries around the world since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is virtually unprecedented and hearkens back to the darkest days of the Cold War. They’ve assumed many forms but broadly include economic sanctions, military support for Ukraine and boycotts […]
Can President Biden Wage Economic war against Russian Aggression without Hurting US Economy?
By Gorana Grgić, University of Sydney | – Any sort of analysis that tries to draw lessons from an evolving event such as an ongoing major war is a potentially futile task. On the one hand, there is a fog of war that prevents us from understanding the tactical developments. On the other hand, the […]