(Tomdispatch.com) – Don’t try to deny it! The political temperature of this country is rising fast. Call it Trump change or Trump warming, if you want, but grasp one thing: increasingly, you’re in a different land and, whatever happens to Donald Trump, the results down the line are likely to be ever less pretty. Trump […]
Chickens Came home to Roost: US meddled in Foreign Elections for Decades
(Tomdispatch.com) – In this country, reactions to the Mueller report have been all-American beyond belief. Let’s face it, when it comes to election meddling, it’s been me, me, me, 24/7 here. Yes, in some fashion some set of Russians meddled in the last election campaign, whether it was, as Jared Kushner improbably claimed, “a couple […]
Not just Notre Dame: With Global Heating, Arsonists have set the whole World on Fire
We are, of course, talking about nothing short of the ultimate crime, but on any given day of our lives, you’d hardly notice that it was underway
One Hell of a Hangover: All the American Wars We haven’t remembered Fighting that are Still going On
More than two years into the era of Donald TrumpAmerican air strikes in… yep, Somalia, are precipitously on the rise
Naked Truth: The Grifter-in-Chief will Leave us Bankrupt and Holding the Bag
Donald Trump wasn’t actually a successful businessman at all, but a classic American con man
A Modest Proposal for Trump: End Trade War & Maybe China will Build you a Wall (They have Experience)
Admittedly, you continue to claim that your wall is already being built, but of course it is not
An Obituary for the Republic: Hail the Tweetocracy
They applied their Roman-style vision of an imperial America to the actual world
When America loses the Forgotten Afghanistan War, will it Leave the US Broken?
Like the Red Army, the U.S. military will finally leave that country in defeat and will bring that defeat home with them.
Climate Sabotage & Forever Wars: Is America the Most Dangerous Country in the World?
On Climate Change, quagmire seems like an appropriate image, as long as we keep in mind that we are the aggressors.