By Allegra Harpootlian | – ( – We’re only a few days into the new decade and it’s somehow already a bigger dumpster fire than the last. On January 2nd, President Trump decided to order what one expert called “the most important decapitation strike America has ever launched.” This one took out not some nameless […]
Is the ‘War on Terror’ actually a War on Education and the Young?
By Andrea Mazzarino | – ( – One day in October 2001, shortly after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, I stood at the front of a private high school classroom. As a new social studies teacher, I had been tasked with describing violence against women in that country. I showed the students an article from the […]
Military Spouses and the True Costs of our Forever Wars
By Andrea Mazzarino | – ( – There is some incongruity between my role as an editor of a book about the costs of America’s wars and my identity as a military spouse. I’m deeply disturbed at the scale of human suffering caused by those conflicts and yet I’ve unintentionally contributed to the war effort […]
Foreign Powers are Buying American Policy and it is all Perfectly Legal
By Ben Freeman | – ( – Foreign influence in America is the topic du jour. From the impeachment inquiry into President Trump’s request that a foreign power investigate a political opponent to the indictment of associates of his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, for illegally funneling foreign money into U.S. elections, the nation has been […]
How Big Oil Committed the Greatest Scam in History and Smeared Climate Science
By Naomi Oreskes | – ( – It’s a tale for all time. What might be the greatest scam in history or, at least, the one that threatens to take history down with it. Think of it as the climate-change scam that beat science, big time. Scientists have been seriously investigating the subject of human-made […]
Drone Strikes and Tears
By Allegra Harpootlian | – ( – Think back to the last time you cried at work. Did the tears come after your boss sent you a curt email? Or when you accidentally cc’d (instead of bcc’d) everyone? Maybe you just had a really, really long day and that one last little misstep pushed you […]
The Greening of the New Deal
The Great Depression and the Climate Crisis, New Deals Then and Now
A Trumpian Future for our Kids: A Hot, Sweltering 1984
By Frida Berrigan | – ( ) – Okay, I’ll admit it. Sometimes I can’t take the bad news. It’s too much. It’s so extra, as the kids like to say. When I hit that wall of hopelessness and anxiety so many of us have become familiar with, I take what I think of […]
The Problem with Policing US Borders is that they Extend throughout the Planet
By Todd Miller | – ( – The driver of the passenger van pulled onto the shoulder of the road, looked back, and said, “There’s an immigration checkpoint up ahead. Does everyone have their papers?” We were just north of the Guatemalan border, outside the town of Ciudad Hidalgo in the Mexican state of Chiapas. […]