By Ellen Cantarow ( ) – In 1979, I made the first of what would turn out to be decades of periodic visits to Israel and the West Bank. I traveled there for the New York alternative publication The Village Voice to investigate Israel’s growing settler movement, Gush Emunim (or the Bloc of the […]
Who Thinks Donald Trump is Racist? Other Racists, that’s Who
( ) – Former president Donald Trump often finds himself on the defensive against accusations of racism. He regularly denies the charges, distorting his record and resorting to his “Black friends” defense, while attempting to throw the allegations back at liberals. However, he never explains why he is the favorite son of the one […]
An Election in Danger? The Fragile State of American Democracy
By Julian Zelizer and Karen J. Greenberg ( ) – Officials and election experts are now struggling in a big-time way. How, they wonder, can they effectively address mounting threats — of violence, election denialism, foreign influence, and voter discrimination? Do they run the risk of alarming the public to the point of reducing […]
Unprecedentedly Hot: Why we Need a National Climate Action Plan
By John J. Berger ( ) – While April and May are usually the hottest months in many countries in Southeast Asia, hundreds of millions of people are now suffering in South Asia from an exceptionally intense heat wave that has killed hundreds. One expert has already called it the most extreme heat event […]
The Lasting Legacy of Truth-Teller Daniel Ellsberg
By Norman Solomon ( ) – On a warm evening almost a decade ago, I sat under the stars with Daniel Ellsberg while he talked about nuclear war with alarming intensity. He was most of the way through writing his last and most important book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. […]
How the Military-Industrial Complex is Killing us All
By By David Vine and Theresa (Isa) Arriola | – ( ) – We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy. […]
Turning Universities into Homeland Security Classes, 101
By Michael Gould-Wartofsky ( ) – The academic year that just ended left America’s college campuses in quite a state: with snipers on the rooftops and checkpoints at the gates; quads overrun by riot squads, state troopers, and federal agents; and even the scent of gunpowder in the air. In short, in the spring […]
Housing, Not Handcuffs: The Moral Response to Homelessness
By Liz Theoharis and Shailly Gupta Barnes ( ) – On April 22nd, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Grants Pass v. Johnson, a case that focuses on whether unhoused — the term that has generally replaced “homeless” — people with no indoor shelter options can even pull a blanket around themselves outdoors […]
Trumpism, Race and Authoritarianism: The Storm is Coming
By Clarence Lusane ( ) – Consider Donald Trump to be in a racial bind when it comes to election 2024. After all, he needs Black voters to at least defect from Joe Biden in swing states, if not actually vote for him. Yet, more than ever, he also needs his white nationalist base […]