Al-Musabbihat __socratesPageHistoryEdit Visual Text AL-MUSABBIHAT المسبحات "The Praisers." A title given to those Surahs of the Qur'an, which begin with Subhana (Glory to), or Sabbaha (he glorified), or Sabbaha (he glorifies), or Sabbih (glorify thou). viz. Surahs xvii., lvii., lix., lii., liii., lxiv., lxxxvii. 'lrbaz ibn Sariyah relates that Muhammad used to repeat the Musabbihat before going to sleep, and that he said. "In them there is a verse which is bettor than a thousand," Most writers say this verse is concealed like the Lailutu 'l-Qadr (the night of power), or the Sa'ata 'l-.Jum'ah (the hour on Friday), but 'Abdu 'l-Haqq says it is most probably either the last verse of the Suratu 1-Hashr (lix.)," He is God, the Pardoner, the Maker, the Fashioner! To him are ascribed excellent titles," &c. Or, the first verse of the Suratu 'l-Hadid (lvii). " All that is in the Heavens and in the Earth praiseth God." (See Majma'u 'l-Bihar, p. 86; Mishkat, book vii ch. i.) Based on <a href=“ “>Hughes, Dictionary of Islam</a> CancelTweetShareRedditEmail