Alam __socratesPageHistoryEdit Visual Text 'ALAM عالم The universe; world; condition, state of being. 'Alamu 'l-arwh The world of spirits 'Alamu 'l-khalq The world; this life 'Alamu 'I-baqi The future state 'Alamu 'I-a'zamah The highest heaven 'Alamu 'sh-shahadah The visible world 'Alamu 'l-ghaib The invisible world 'Alamu 'l-ma' qul The rationale world The four mystic stages of the Sufis are 'Alamu 'n-nasut The present world 'Alamu 'l-malakut The state of angels 'Alamu 'l jabarut The state of power 'Alamu 'l-lahut The state of absorption into the Divinity [SUFIISM.] Based on <a href="">Hughes, Dictionary of Islam</a> CancelTweetShareRedditEmail