Ilmu’l-Akhlaq __socratesPageHistoryEdit Visual Text ILMU ‘L-AKHLAQ علم الاخلاق Ethics, morals. The best-know works on the subject are the Persian works - the Akhlaq-i-Jalali by Faqir Jam Muhammad, A.H. 908, which has been translated into English, with references and notes by W.F. Thompson, Esq. (London, 1839); the Akhlaq-i-Nasari, by Nasiru ‘d-din at-Tusi, A.H. 672; and the Akhlaq-i-Muhsini by the Maulawi Husain al-Kausifi (Husain the commentator), A.H. 910. Based on <a href="">Hughes, Dictionary of Islam</a> CancelTweetShareRedditEmail