MOURNING. The period of mourning for the dead is restricted to three days, during which time the friends and relatives are expected to visit the bereaved family and often up prayers for the departed (fatihah) and speak words of consolation (ta’ziyah) But widow must observe the custom of mourning for a period of four months and ten days, which period is called ihdad. During these periods of mourning, it is the duty of all concerned to abstain from the use of perfumes and ornaments, and to wear soiled garments. Lamentation, buka’ (Heb. bokhoh), for the dead is strictly forbidden by the Prophet (Mishkat, book v. ch. vii.), but it is nevertheless a common custom in the East, amongst all sects of Muslims. (See Arabian Nights; Lane’s, Modern Eqyptians, Shaw’s Travels in Barbary.)
Based on Hughes, Dictionary of Islam