pl. mushrikun. Those who give companions to God. It is used by modern Muslims for both Christians and idolators, for those who believe in the Holy Trinity as well as for those who worship idols. The Wahhabis also call their religious opponents Mushrikun because they pray to saints for assistance. In the Qur’an the term is always used for the Makkan idolaters, and the Imam al-Baghawi says, in his commentary on Surah xcviii 1, that the term Ah u ‘l-Kitab is always used for the Jews and Christians and Mushrikun for those who worship idols.
pl. mushrikun. Those who give companions to God. It is used by modern Muslims for both Christians and idolators, for those who believe in the Holy Trinity as well as for those who worship idols. The Wahhabis also call their religious opponents Mushrikun because they pray to saints for assistance. In the Qur’an the term is always used for the Makkan idolaters, and the Imam al-Baghawi says, in his commentary on Surah xcviii 1, that the term Ah u ‘l-Kitab is always used for the Jews and Christians and Mushrikun for those who worship idols.
Based on Hughes, Dictionary of Islam