Old and New Testaments, The Testimony of the Quran to the __socratesPageHistoryEdit Visual Text OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, The testimony of the Qur'an to the The references in the Qur'an to the sacred scriptures of the Jews and Christians are very many, and in all cases Muhammad refers to these sacred writings with the highest respect end veneration. He acknowledges their inspiration, admits the existence of such documents in his own day, and appeals to them in support of his own mission. The following verses of the Qur'an, in which there are references to the Old and New Testament, have been placed in chronological order, and the translations are given for the most part from Sir William Muirs Manual on "The Quran," published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge : - Surah lxxxvii. 18: "Verily this is in the books of yore; the books of Abraham and Moses." Surah liii. 37—40: "Hath he not been told of that which. is in the pages of Moses, and of Abraham who acted faithfully? That a burdened soul shall not bear anothers burden, and that there shall be nothing (imputed) to a man, but that which he himself hath wrought," &c." Surah xxxii. 23-25: "And verily We gave Moses the book: wherefore be not in doubt as to the reception thereof, and We made it a direction to the Israelites. And We made from among them leaders who should direct according to Our command, when they were steadfast, and believed in Our signs. Verily thy Lord, he will judge between; hem on the Day of Resurrection as to that concerning which they disagree." Surah liv. 43: "Are your unbelievers (Ye Makkans) better than those (i.e. of the days of Noah, Lot, Moses, &c., just referred to;) or is there an immunity for you in the Scriptures? " Surah xxxiv. 30: "And the unbelievers say : - We will not believe in this Qur'an, nor in that (which was revealed) before it." Surah xli. 45: "And verily We gave Moses the book, and they felt to variance concerning it." Surah xlv. 15, 16: "And verily We gave the children of Israel the book, and wisdom, and prophecy, and We nourished them with pleasant food, and We exalted them above the rest of the world; and We gave them plain directions in the matter (of religion;) and they fell not to variance until after divine knowledge (or the Revelation,) had come unto them, out of jealousy among themselves. Verily, thy Lord will decide between them on the Day of Judgment, concerning that about which they disagree." Surah xxxvii. 84:" Verily when it is said unto them :—There is no God but the Lord; they arrogantly reply,—What! shall we give up our gods for a frenzied poet? Nay, he cometh with the truth, and attesteth (the Revelations) of the (former) apostles." Surah xxxvii. 114: "And verily we were gracious to Moses and Aaron, and saved them and their people from great tribulation; and We brought them assistance, and they were the conquerors; and We gave them the perspiouous book, and directed them into the right way." Surah xxvi. 194: "Verily it (the Qur'an) is a revelation from the Lord of creation; the faithful Spirit bath caused it to descend' on thy heart, that thou mightest be one of the warners, in the plain Arabic tongue. And verily it is in the former Scriptures. What! is it not a sign unto them that the wise men of the Children of Israel recognize it?" Surah xlvi. 12: "And when they refuse to be guided thereby, they say ;—this is an antiquated lie. Yet preceding it there is the Book of Moses, a guide and a mercy; and this Qur'an is a book attesting (previous Revelation), in the Arabic tongue, to warn the transgressors, and glad tidings to the righteous." Surah xlvi. 30: "And (call to mind) when We caused a company of the Genii 'to turn aside unto thee that they might hear the Qur'ãn; And, when they were present thereat, they said, - Give ear. And when it was ended, they returned to their people as warners; they said.,—Oh our people! verily we have heard a book revealed after Moses, atttesting the revelation that precedeth it; it leadeth to the truth, and unto the straight path." Surah xxxv. 25: "And if they reject thee, verily they who preceded them rejected (their prophets), who brought them clear signs, and writings, and the enlightening book." Surah xxxv. 31: "And that which We have revealed unto thee is the truth, attesting that which precedeth it?" Surah xix. 11 "Oh John! take the book (the Taurat) with power;- and We gave, him wisdom while a child." Surah xix. 28, 29: "And she (Mary) pointed to him (the infant Jesus:) they said, — How shall we speak with a child in the cradle? (The infant Jesus) said,— verily I am the servant of God; he hath given me the book (i.e. the Gospel), and made me a prophet." Surah xlii. 1.: " Thus doth God the glorious and the wise, communicate inspiration unto thee, as he did unto those that preceded thee." Surah xlii. 12: "He hath ordained unto you the religion which he commanded unto Noah, and which We have revealed unto thee, and which We commanded unto Abraham, Moses, and Jeans ;—saying, Maintain the true religion, and be not at variance therein." Surah xlii. 14, 15: "And they did not differ until after the knowledge (of Divine, Revelation) came unto them, rebelliously 'among themselves: and unless the word had gone forth from thy Lord (respiting these) until a fixed time, verily the matter had been decided between them. And verily they that have inherited the book after them are in a perplexing doubt respecting the same. Wherefore invite men unto the true faith), and stand fast as thou hast been commanded, and follow not their desires. And say, I believe in whatever books God hath revealed, and I am commanded to decide between you; God is our Lord, and your Lord. To us will (be reckoned) our works - to you, yours. There is no ground of dispute between us and you. God will gather tin together, and to Him shall be the return." Surah xl. 55, 66: "And verily We gave unto Moses guidance. and We caused the Children of Israel to inherit the book,—a guide and an admonition unto people of understanding hearts. Wherefore he patient, for the promise of God is true, and ask pardon for thy sin &c." Surah xl. 72: "They who reject the book and that which We ha ye sent our messengers with (the Old and New Testament)— they shall know: when the collars shall be an their necks, acid the chains by which they shall he dragged into hell :—— then shall they be burned in the fire." Surah xxv. 36: "And verily We gave Moses the hook, and We appointed his brother Aaron his helper." Surah xx. 132: "And they (the Qaraish) say: — 'If he doth not bring us a sign from his Lord (we will not believe).' What I hath not an evident demonstration come unto them in the former pages?" Surah xliii. 43: "And ask those of Our Apostles whom We have sent before thee, whether We have appointed any besides the Merciful, as a God whom they should worship." Surah xii. 111: "It is not a story fabricated, but an attestation of (the revelation) which is before it, and an explanation of every matter, a guide and a mercy to the people that believe." Surah xi. 17, 18: "These are they for whom there is no portion in the next life but fire: and that which they have done shall perish therein; vain will that be which they have wrought. What! (shall such a one be equal unto him) who proceedeth upon a plain direction front his Lord; and a witness from him (i.e. from the Lord) attendeth him, and before him (or it) is the Book of Moses a guide and a mercy." Surah xi. 3: "And verily We gave Moses the book, and they fell to variance regarding it. And had not the word gone forth from thy Lord, surely the matter had been decided between them; and verily they are in perplexing doubt concerning the same." Surah x. 37: "And this Qur'an is not such that it could have been fabricated by other than God: but it is an attestation of that (i.e. of those Scriptures) which precede it, and an explanation of the book,— there is no doubt therein,— from the Lord of creation. What' will they say, he (Muhammad) hath forged it? Say,—then bring a Surah like unto it." Surah x. 13: "If thou art in doubt regarding that which We have sent down unto thee, then ask those who read the book (revealed) before thee. Verily the truth hath come unto thee from thy Lord; be not therefore amongst those that doubt." Surah vi. 20: "Those to whom We have given the book recognize him as they recognize their own sons. They that have destroyed their own souls, these believe not." Surah vi. 90: "These are they to whom We have given the book, and wisdom, and prophecy, and if these (the Quraish) disbelieve the same, verily We have given it in trust unto a people who are not disbelievers there- in. These are they whom God hath guided; wherefore persevere in the guidance of them." Surah vi. 93: "And they do not estimate God with a just estimation, when they say,—God hath not sent down—(i.e. revealed, anything to Man. Say, who sent down the book, which Moses brought, a light and a direction to mankind? Ye (var. read, they) make (or transcribe) it upon sheets of paper which ye (or they) show, and ye (or they) conceal much; and ye are taught that which ye knew not, neither did your fathers. Say, —God: then leave them to sport in their follies. Surah vi. 93 : "And this book We have revealed, - blessed,- certifying the truth of that (revelation) which precedeth it, and that thou mightest admonish the people of the city (Makkah) and those around it." Surah vi. 114; "He It is that hath sent down to you the book, explaining (all things;) and those to whom We have given the book know that it (the Qur'an) hath been sent down from thy Lord in truth. Wherefore, be not thou (O Muhammad) among those that doubt." Surah vi. 124: "And when a verse cometh unto them, they say,—We will not believe until there is brought unto us (a revelation) like unto that which the apostles of God brought." Surah vi. 154: "Then We gave Moses the book complete as to whatever is excellent, and an explanation of every matter, and a direction and a mercy, if haply they might believe in the meeting of their Lord." Surah vi. 155: "And this book (the Qur'an) We have sent down,—blessed; wherefore follow it, and fear God, if haply ye may find mercy; lest ye should say,—Verily the Scripture hath been revealed to two people (the Jews and Christians) before us, and we are ignorant of their reading —or lest ye should say — If the Scripture had been revealed to us, we surely would have followed, its direction and mercy." &c. Surah xxviii. 44: "And verily We gave Moses the book, after that We had destroyed the former generations,—an enlightenment unto mankind, and a direction, and a mercy, if haply they might be admonished." Surah xxviii. 47: "And thou wert not on the side of Mount Sinai, when We called out (to Moses ;.) but (thou art) a mercy from thy Lord, that thou mayest admonish a people unto whom no warner hath come before thee, if perchance they may receive admonition ;— and lest, if there befall them a calamity for the evil works they have committed, they should say,—Oh Lord! if thou hadst sent unto us a prophet., we had followed thy revelations, and been of the number of the believers. And now that the truth hath come unto them from us, they say,—if there were to come (a revelation) like unto that which came unto Moses (we should believe). What! do they not disbelieve in that which was given unto Moses heretofore: they say,—two impostures that mutually assist one another; and they say,—verily we reject them both. Say,— bring a book from God that guideth more aright than these two, If ye be true ; and if they answer not," &c. Surah xxviii. 53: "Those to whom We have given the Scripture before it (i.e. before the Qur'an,) believe therein; and when it (the Qur'an) is read unto them, they say,—We believe in it; verily it is the truth from our Lord, surely we were Muslims from before." Surah xxiii. 25: "And verily We gave Moses the book,, if haply they might be directed; and We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign," &c. Surah xxi. 7: "And We sent not before thee (as Apostles) other than men whom We inspired: ask, therefore, the people of the Scripture, if ye know it not". Surah xxi. 49: "And verily We gave Moses and Aaron the distinction (al-Furqan), and a light, and an admonition to the pious,—those who fear their Lord in secret, and who tremble for the. hour (of Judgment). This blessed admonition also We have sent down; will ye therefore deny it?" Surah xxi. 105: "And verily We have written in the Psalms, after the Law, that my servants, the righteous, shall inherit the earth." Surah xvii. 2: "And We gave Moses the book, and made it 'a direction to the Children of Israel, (saying) —Take ye not other than Me for a patron." Surah xvii. 4, 5, and 7: "And We declared in the book, in respect of the Children of Israel,'—saying, Ye shall surely work corruptly on the earth twice, and ye shall be elated with great arrogance. And when the threat of the first of these two (visitations) came to pass,' We sent against you our servants of terrible strength, &c., and when the threat of the second (visitation) came to pass," &c. Surah xvii. 55: "And verily We have bestowed favour upon some of the prophets more than upon others, and We gave David 'the Psalms," &c. Surah xvii. 108: "Say,—Believe in it (the Qur'an), or believe not: — verily they unto whom the knowledge (of Divine Revelation) hath been given anterior to it, when they hear it recited unto them, fall down upon their faces worshipping: and they say,—Praised be our Lord; verily the promise of our Lord is fulfilled. And they fall down on their races weeping, and it increaseth their humility." Surah xvi. 43: "And We have not sent before thee other than men whom We have inspired ;—wherefore ask the people of the Scripture if ye know not. (We sent than) with evident signs and books, and We have sent down unto thee the revelation, that thou mightest make, known to mankind that which bath been revealed to them, that haply they might reflect" Surah xiii. 45: "And those who disbelieve say,—Thou art not sent ;—say,-—God sufficeth for a witness between me and between you, and also he with whom is the knowledge of the book." Surah xxix. 27: "And We gave to him (i.e. to Abraham) Isaac and Jacob, and We placed among his descendants prophecy and the book." Surah xxix. 46: "And contend. not with the people of the book (Jews and Christians) but in a generous manner, excepting those of them who act wickedly; and say,—We believe in that which hath been revealed to us, and in that which hath been revealed to you: and your God and our God is one, and we are to Him resigned." Surah xxix. 47: "And thus have We sent down to thee the book (the Qur'an,) and those to whom We have given the Scripture believe in it." Surah vii. 158: "And I will shortly write down it (i.e. my mercy,) for those who fear the Lord and give alms, and those who believe in our signs: those who shall follow the apostle, - the illiterate prophet,—whom they shall find written (i.e. described) in the Pentateuch and in the Gospel among them; be shall command them to do that which is excellent," &c. Surah vii. 168: "And (call to mind) when thy Lord commanded that there should certainly be sent against them (i.e. the Jews) until the day of resurrection those that would afflict them with grievous distress ;—verily thy Lord is swift in vengeance, and he is surely forgiving and merciful. And We dispersed them in the earth amongst the nations; there are of them that are virtuous, and there are of them that are not so. And We proved them with blessings, and with adversities, if perchance they might return. And there succeeded after them a generation that inherited the book, who receive the temporal advantage of this world, and .say,—lt will be forgiven unto us. And if there come unto them an advantage the like thereof, they accept it. What I hath there not been taken from them the covenant of the book, that they should not say of God other than the truth, and they diligently study that which is therein." Surah lxxiv. 30: "Over it (Hell) are nine-teen angels.; and We have not made the guardians of the fire other than angels; and We have not expressed their number, except as a trial to those who disbelieve, and in order that those to whom We have given the book may firmly believe, and that they who believe may increase in faith; and that those to whom We have given the book may not doubt, nor the believers." Surah ii. 1-5: "This is the book In which there is no doubt,—a guide to the pious ;— they who believe In the Unseen, and observe prayer, and spend out of that which we have provided them with ;—and they who believe in that which hath been revealed unto thee, and that which hath been revealed before thee, and have faith in the life to come. These walk according to the direction of their Lord, and these are the blessed." Surah ii. 36: "Oh Children of Israel! remember My favour wherewith I have favoured you, and fulfil My covenant,—I likewise will fulfil your covenant; and fear Me, and believe in that which I have revealed, attesting the truth of the (Scripture) which is with you: and be not the first to reject the same; and sell not my revelation for a small price; and clothe not the truth with error, and do not conceal the truth while ye know it." Surah ii. 50: "And when We gave Moses the book and the distinction (between good and evil, - Furqan,) —if haply ye might be directed." Surah ii. 71: "And when they (the Jews of al-Madinah,) meet the believers, they say, - We believe; but when they retire privately one with the other, they say,—Why do ye acquaint them with what God hath revealed to you, that they may therewith dispute with you before your Lord? What do ye not understand? Do they not know that God knoweth what they conceal as well as that which they make public." Surah ii. 79: "What do ye (the Jews) believe in part of the book, and reject part thereof? But whosoever amongst you doeth. this, his reward shall be none other than disgrace in the present life, and in the Day of Judgment they shall be cut into a more awful torment." Surah ii. 81: "And verily We gave Moses the Book, and caused prophets to arise after him, and We gave to Jesus, the Son of Mary, evident signs, and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit." Surah ii. 89: "And when a Book (i.e. the Qur'an) came unto them from God, attesting the truth of that (Scripture) which is with them, (although they had from before been praying fof victory over those who disbelieve); yet when that came unto them which they recognised, they rejected the same." Surah ii. 83: "And when it is said unto them ;—Believe in that which God hath revealed; they say —We believe, in that which hath been revealed unto us; and they' reject that which (hath been revealed) after it, although it be the truth attesting that which is with them." Surah li. 85: "And verily Moses came unto you with evident, signs (or revelations); then ye took the calf," &c. Surah ii. 86: "For he (Gabriel) hath caused it (the Qur'an) to descend upon thy heart by the command of God, attesting that (Scripture) which is before it, and a direction and good tidings to the believers." Surah ii. 95 "And when a prophet came unto them from God. attesting that (Scripture) which is with them, a party of those who have received the Scripture cast the Book of God behind their backs, as if they knew it not." Surah ii. 107: "The Jews say, the Christians are not (founded) upon anything; and the Christians say the Jews are not (founded) upon anything; and yet they read the Scripture." Surah ii. 130 (see also Surah lii. 79) "Say —We believe in God and in what hath been revealed unto us, and in what hath been revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael. and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Tribes; and in what hath been given unto Moses and unto Jesus and in what hath been given unto the prophets from their Lord: we make no distinction between any of them; and unto Him we are resigned." Surah ii. 139; "Verily We saw thee turn about thy face into the Heavens: wherefore We will cause thee to turn towards a qiblah that will please thee —turn therefore thy face towards the holy temple: wheresoever thou art, turn thy face towards it. And verily those to whom the Scripture hath been given, they know that this is the truth from their Lord, and God is not unmindful of that which they do. And if thou broughtest unto those to whom the Scripture hath been given, every kind of signs they would not follow thy qiblah, nor wilt thou follow their qiblah," &c. Surah ii. 142: "Those to whom We have given the Scripture recognise him as they recognise their own sons; but. verily a section of them hide the truth, although they know it." Surah ii 169: "Verily they that conceal the Scripture which God hath revealed, and sell it for a small price;— these shall eat nought but the fire in their bellies, and God shall not speak unto them on the Day of Judgment, neither shall He purify them; they shall have bitter torment These are they that have bought error at the price of direction. and punishment at the price of pardon:—how shall they endure the fire !— this because God bath sent down the Book in truth; and they that dispute regarding the Book are in a grievous error." Surah ii. 209: " Mankind was one people, and God sent. prophets as preachers of good tidings, and warners: and He sent down the Scripture with them in truth, that it might decide between men in that in which they differed —and they differed not therein, excepting those to whom it was given after there came to them clear demonstrations, wickedly amongst themselves; and God guided those that believed to the truth concerning which they disputed, by His will." &c. Surah ii 254: "Of these prophets We have preferred some above others. Some of them hath God spoken unto, and He hath raised some of them to nigh dignity. And We gave unto Jesus, the Son of Mary, evident signs, and We strengthened Him by the Holy spirit. And if God bad pleased, those that came after them, would not have contended with one another, after the evident signs (or plain revelations), had come unto them. Yet they fell to variance. And amongst them were those that believed: and amongst them were those that disbelieved. And if God had wished, they had not contended with one another; but God doeth that which pleaseth Him." Surah ii. 286: "The apostle believeth in that which hath been re.voaled unto him from his Lord: and the faithful, everyone of them. believeth In God, and in His angels, and in His books, and in His apostles; we make no distinction between any one of his apostles." Surah lvii. 18: "And those that believe in God, and in His apostles, these are the righteous, and the witnesses with their Lord; they have their reward and their light; but, they that disbelieve, and accuse Our revelations of falsehood, these are the companions of hell-fire." Surah lvii. 25: "We have verily sent Our apostles with evident demonstrations; and We revealed unto them the Scripture, and the Balance, that men might observe justice; and We revealed (the use of) Iron wherein is great strength. and advantages to mankind, and in order that God might know who assisteth him and his apostles in secret,—for God is mighty and glorious. and verily We sent Noah and Abraham; and. We placed amongst their posterity, prophecy and the Scripture: and amongst them were those that. were rightly directed, but many of them were evil-doers. Afterwards We caused Our apostles to follow in their footsteps; and We caused Jesus, the Son of Mary, to succeed them, and We gave him the Gospel: and We put into the hearts of his followers compassion and mercy; and as to Monasticism they invented the same,.— [We did not prescribe it unto them].- simply out of a desire to please God, but they have not observed it with a right observance. And We have given those of them that believe, their reward, but many or them are evil-doers. Oh ye that believe! fear God, and believe in His prophet. He will give you a double portion of His mercy, and will create for you a Light wherein ye shall walk, and forgive you, for the Lord is forgiving and merciful." Surah xcviii. 1: "The unbelievers from amongst the people of the Book, and the idolaters. did not waver until there came unto them a clear—a prophet from God reading pure pages, containing right Scriptures: And those to whom the Scriptures have been given did not fall to variance, until after a clear (Revelation) had come unto them: and they are not commanded (in their own Scriptures) other-wise than that they should worship God, rendering unto Him the orthodox worship, and that they should observe prayer, and give alms: and this is the right faith." Surah lxii. 5: "The likeness of those who are charged with the Law (the Taurat) and do not. discharge (the obligations of) it, is as the likeness of the Ass laden with books. Evil is the likeness of the people which rejecteth the signs of God: and God doth not guide the unjust people." Surah xlviii. 29: " Muhammad is the prophet of God: and those who follow him are fierce against the unbelievers, but compassionate among themselves. Thou mayest see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking the favour of God and his pleasure. Their signs are in their faces from the marks of their prostration. This is the likeness of them in the Pentateuch and the likeness of them in the Gospel, — as a seed which putteth forth its stalk and strengtheneth it, and swelleth and riseth on its stem, and delighteth the sower thereat, — that the unbelievers may he indignant thereat. " Surah lxi. 6: And when Jesus, the Son of Mary, said — O children of Israel, verily I am an Apostle of God unto you, attesting that which is before me of the Taurat, and giving glad tidings of an apostle that shall come after me, whose name is Ahmad (the Praised)." Surah iv. 48: "Hast thou not seen those to whom We have given a portion of the Scripture?—they buy error, and desire that ye may err from the way: and God best knowoth your enemies. God sufficeth for a patron. and God sufficeth for a helper. Of those who profess Judaism there are that dislocate words from their places. and say — 'we have heard, — and, have disobeyed'; and 'do thou hearken without hearing;' and, ' look upon us' ; twisting with their tongues, and reviling the faith. And if they had said, ' we have heard and obeyed and,' hearken'; and,' look upon us': it find been better for them and more upright : hut God hath cursed them for their unbelief, and they shall not believe, excepting a few. O ye unto whom the Scriptures have been given! believe in what We have revealed attesting that (Scripture) which is with you, before We deface your countenances, and turn them front backwards, or curse them as We cursed those who (broke) the Sabbath: and the command of the Lord was fulflilled." Surah iv. 49: "Hast thou not seen those to whom a portion of the Scripture hath been given? they believe in false gods and idols, and they say to the unbelievers, These are better directed in the way than those who believe." Surah lv. 52: "Do they envy mankind that which God hath given them of His bounty? And verily We gave to the children of Abraham the book and wisdom. and We gave them a mighty kingdom. Amongst them are those that believe in Him and thosei also that two away from Him." Surah iv. 58 : Hast thou not seen those who fancy that they believe in that which hath been revealed unto thee, and in that I which hath been revealed before thee? They desire to go for a mutual decision unto the idol Jaghat : yet verily they have been commanded to disbelieve therein, and Satan desireth to deceive them into a wide deception." Surah iv 130: "To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and in the earth, and verily We commanded those to whom the Scripture was given before you, and you likewise,— Fear God, and, if ye disbelieve, verily to God belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens end the earth." Surah iv. 135: "O ye that believe behave in God and in his prophet, and in the book which He hath revealed to His prophet, and in the book which He revealed from before; and whoever disbelieves in God, and in His angels, and in His books, and in His prophets, and in the last day, verily he hath wandered info a wide error." Surah iv. 149: "Verily they that reject God and His apostles, and seek to make a distinction between God and His apostles; and say,—We believe in a part, and we reject a part: and seek to take a path between the same these are infidels in reality, and We lave prepared for the infidels an ignominious punishment. But they that believe in God and in His apostles, and make no distinction between any of them, to these We shall surely give their reward, and God is forgiving and merciful. The people of the book will ask thee that thou cause a book to descend upon them front the heavens, and eerily they asked Moses for a greater thing than that," &c. Surah iv. 161: "But those of them that are grounded in knowledge, and the faithful, believe in that which hath been revealed unto thee, and in that which hath been revealed before thee. And those that observe prayer, and give alms, and the believers in God and in the last day, unto these shall We ye a great reward. Verily We have revealed our will unto thee, as We revealed our will unto Abraham, and Iahmael. and Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and Jesus, and Job, and Jonas, and Aaron and Solomon, We gave unto David the Psalms; and Apostles, whom We have already made mention of unto thee; and God spake with Moses in open discourse," &c. Surah iv. 169: "Ye people of the book! Do not extravagance in your religion; and say not of God other than the truth. For verily the Messiah, Jesus, the Son of Mary, is an apostle of God. and His word which he placed in Mary, and a spirit from Him. Wherefore believe in God and in His apostle; and say not,—" the Trinity"; - refrain; it will be better for you. For verily God is one God ; — far exalted is He above the possibility that there should be unto Him progeny! to Him belongeth whatever is in the heavens and in the earth, and He sufficeth as a guardian." Surah iii, 2: "God! there is no God but He, the living, the eternal. He hath caused to descend upon thee the Scripture in truth, attesting that which is before it: and He sent down the Taurut and the Gospel from before for the guidance of mankind: and He sent down the Furqan. Verily they that reject the signs of God, to them shall be a fearful punishment. And God is mighty, a God of vengeance." Surah lii. 19: "And those to whom the book was given, did not fall to variance until after that the knowledge came unto them, wickedly among themselves." Surah iii. 23: "Seest thou not those to whom a portion of the Scripture hath been given? They were called unto the book of God, that it might decide between them. Then a party of them turned away, and went aside. That was because they say,— the fire shall not touch us, but for a limited number of days. And that. which they have devised hath deceived them in their religion.." Surah iii. 48: "And (God) shall teach Him (Jesus) the Scripture, and wisdom,and the Tourat, and the Gospel ;— and (shall send Him as) an Apostle unto the Children of Israel. (Jesus shall say) Verily I have come unto you — . . . attesting the truth of that which (Scripture revealed) before me in the Torat, and that I may make lawful unto you a part of that which is forbidden unto you." Surah iii. 64: "O ye people of the Book: why do ye dispute concerning Abraham.?— seeing that neither the Tourat nor the Gospel was revealed until after him; do ye not understand? Ah! ye are they which dispute concerning that of which ye have knowledge: why, therefore, do ye dispute concerning that of which ye have no knowledge? and God knoweth, bat ye know not." Surah iii. 68: "A party of the People of the Book desire to cause thee to go astray: but they shall not cause (any) to go astray, excepting their own souls, and they, perceive it not. Oh People of the Book I why do ye reject the signs of God, while ye bear testimony (thereto)? O people of the Book! why do ye clothe the truth with that which is false, and hide the truth, while ye know (it)? and a party of the people of the book say,—Believe in that which is sent down unto those that believe, in the early part of the day; and reject (it, in) the latter part thereof; if haply they may turn back: and, believe not (any) excepting him that fotloweth your religion. Say,—Verily the direction is the direction of God, that there should be given unto one (i.e. to Muhammad, a revelation) like unto that which bath been given unto you. Or, will they dispute with you before your Lord? say,— Verily favour is in the hand of God: He giveth it unto whomsoever He pleaseth; and God is widely comprehensive (in His mercy) and wise." Surah iii. 77: "And verily amongst them is a party that twist their tongues in (reading) the book, that ye may think it is out of the book, though it is not out of the book; and they say,—' It is from God,' and it is not from God; and they speak a falsehood concerning God, knowingly." Surah iii. 78: " It becometh not a man that God should give him a book, and wisdom, and prophecy, and that he should then say to mankind, Be worshippers of me besides God; but rather, Be ye perfect, inasmuch as ye know the book, and inasmuch as ye study it." Surah iii. 80: "And (call to mind) when God made a covenant with the prophets, (saying) This verily is the book and the wisdom which I have given unto, you; thereafter shall come an Apostle attesting the truth of that (Scripture) which is with you; ye shall surely believe in him, and assist him." Surah iii. ‘98 : "All food was lawful to the Children of Israel, excepting that which Israel made unlawful to himself, before the Tourat was revealed. Say, —Bring hither the Tourat, and read it, if ye be true. And whoever contriveth a lie concerning God after that, surely they are the transgressors." Surah iii. 99: "Say; O ye People of the Book! why do ye disbelieve in the signs of God, and God is witness of that which ye do? Say, O ye People of the Book! why do ye hinder from the way of God him that believeth, desiring to make it (the way of' God) crooked, while ye are witnesses?" Surah iii. 113: "They are not all alike. Amongst the People of the Book there is an upright, race that read the signs (or revelations) of God in the night season, and they bow down worshipping. They believe in God and the last day, and command that which is just and dissuade from that which is wicked, and: they make haste in doing good works. These are the virtuous ones." Surah iii. 119: "Behold, ye are they that love them (the Jews) and they do not love you, and ye believe in the entire Scripture." Surah iii. 184: "They who say that God hath made a covenant with us, to the effect that we should not believe on an apostle until be cometh unto us with a sacrifice to be consumed by fire - say. — Verily apostles have come unto you before me, with evident demonstrations, and, with that of which ye speak. Why, therefore, have ye slain them, if ye be true? and if they accuse thee of imposture, verily the apostles before thee have been accused of imposture, who came with evident demonstrations, and the Scriptures, and the enlightening book." Surah iii. 188; "And when God took a covenant from those to whom the book was given,—that. they should unfold the same to mankind, and that they should not conceal it, and they threw it (the covenant) behind their backs, and sold it for a small price, and woeful is that which they have sold it for; think not that they who rejoice in that which they have done, and desire to be praised for that which they have not done, shall escape from punishment. To them shall be a grievous punishment." Surah iii. 199: "And verily of the People of the Book there are those who believe in God, and in that which hath. been revealed to you, and in that which hath been revealed to them, submissive unto God; they sell not the signs of God for a small price. These are they who have their reward with their Lord; for God is swift in taking account." Surah v .14-16: "And for that they have broken their covenant. We have cursed them, and We have made their hearts hard; they dislocate the word from its place, and they have forgotten a part of that whereby they were admonished. Thou wilt not cease to discover deceit in them, excepting. a few of them.. But, pardon them, and forgive, for ‘God loveth the beneficent. And of those that say, We are Christians, we have taken a covenant from them, and they have forgotten a part of that whereby they were admonished. Wherefore We have placed enmity and hatred between them, until the Day of Judgment; and God will surely then declare unto them that which they have wrought. O people of the Book! verily our apostle hath come, unto you; he shall make manifest unto you much of that which ye have hidden of the book, and he shall pass over much." Surah v. 47: "O thou apostle! let not those grieve thee who make haste after infidelity from amongst them that say, ‘We believe.' with their mouths, but their hearts believe not. And from amongst the Jews there are that spy out in order to tell a falsehood; they spy out, for another people that come not unto thee. They dislocate the word from out of its place. They say, ‘If this be given you, then receive it — but if it be not given you, then beware." Surah v. 50: " And how will they make thee their Judge, since they have, beside them the Tourat, in which is the command of God? Then they will turn their back after that, and these are not believers. Verily We have revealed the Tourat; therein is guidance and light. The prophets that submitted themselves to God judged thereby those that were, Jews; and. the doctors and priests (did the same), in accordance with that which was confided to their charge of the book of God, and they were witnesses thereof. Wherefore fear not man, but fear Me, and sell not thou the signs of God for a small price, And he that doth not judge by that which God hath revealed, verily they. are the unbelievers. And We have written for them, — verily life for life, and eye for eye, and nose for nose, and ear for ear, and tooth for tooth; and for wounding, retaliation; and he that remitteth the same as alms it shall be an atonement unto him. And he that judgeth not by that which God hath sent down, they are the transgressors. And We caused Jesus, the Son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, attesting the Scripture of the Tourat, which preceded it; and We gave Him the Gospel, wherein is guidance and light which God hath revealed, and follow not their rain desires (by swearing) away from that which hath come unto thee. To every one of you have We given a law and a way; and if God had pleased He had made you all of one faith: - but (He hath not done so, in order) that He might try you in that which He hath given you." Surah v. 68: "Say — O people of the Book! is there any other cause of your enmity against us, but that we believe in God, and in. that which hath been revealed unto us, and in that which. hath been revealed from before? — but the most of you are evil doers." Surah v. 77: "Say :—O ye people of the Book! ye are not grounded upon anything, untill ye set up (or observe) the Tourat and the Gospel, and that which hath been revealed unto you from your Lord." Surah v. 91: "Thou wilt surely find the most bitter amongst mankind in their hatred towards those that believe to he the Jews and the idolaters. And thou wilt surely find the most friendly inclined amongst them towards the believers, to be those who say, We are Christians. That is because there are amongst them clergy and monks, and they are not arrogant. When they hear that which hath been revealed to the prophet, thou Wilt see their eyes flowing with tears because of that which they recognise of the truth. They say, O our Lord! we believe; write us down with the witnesses; and what should binder us that we should not. believe in God, and in that which hath come unto us of the truth? and we desire that our Lord should introduce us amongst the righteous; God hath rewarded them for that which they have said, with gardens through which flow rivulets. They shall be for over therein and that is the reward of the virtuous." Surah v. 119: "And (call to mind) when God said, — O Jesus, Son of Mary! remember My favour towards thee, and towards thy Mother, when I strengthened thee with the Holy Spirit, that thou shouldest speak unto man, in the cradle, and also in mature age; and I taught thee the Scriptures, and wisdom, and the Tourat, and the Gospel; and when thou madest of clay in the form of a bird by My command, and thou blewest thereupon, and it became a bird by My command; and thou healedst the blind and the leper by My command; and when thou didst raise the dead by My command.... And when I spake by inspiration unto the apostles, saying, — Believe in Me, and in My apostle (i.e. Jesus;) they said,—We believe; bear witness that we are true believers." Surah lxvi. 13: "And Mary the daughter of Imran, who preserved her virginity; and. We breathed into her of Our spirit, and she attested the words of her Lord and His Scriptures, and was amongst the pious." Surah ix. 113: "Verily, God hath bought from the believers their selves and their wealth, on the condition of paradise for them they fight in the ways of God :—and whether they slay or be slain, the promise of God thereupon is true in the Taurat, and in the Gospel, and in the Qur'an." [CHRISTIANTTY, JEWS, JUDAISM.] Based on <a href="https://www.juancole.com/library/books/encyclopedias/dictionary-of-islam-hughes ">Hughes, Dictionary of Islam</a> CancelTweetShareRedditEmail