SIDDIQ. صديق
“One who speaks the truth.” It occurs in the Qur’an for Idris (generally identified with Enoch, who is described as a man, of eminent truthfulness. professor Palmer translates the word “confessor” (See Surah xix. 57.)
As-Siddiq is a title said to have been given to the first Khalifah Abu Bakr by Muhammad himself.
“One who speaks the truth.” It occurs in the Qur’an for Idris (generally identified with Enoch, who is described as a man, of eminent truthfulness. professor Palmer translates the word “confessor” (See Surah xix. 57.)
As-Siddiq is a title said to have been given to the first Khalifah Abu Bakr by Muhammad himself.
Based on Hughes, Dictionary of Islam