Six Foundations of Faith __socratesPageHistoryEdit Visual Text SIX FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH Al-Iman الايما or "the Faith," is defined as consisting of the six articles of belief:—- 1. Allah, God. 2. Al-Mala'ikah, the Angels. 3. Al-Kulub, the Books (of the Prophets). 4. Ar-Rusul, the Prophets. 5. Al-Yaumu 'l-Akhir, the Last Day. 6. Al-Qador, the Decrees of God. These Six Articles of Faith are entitled Sifatu 'I-lman, "the Attributes of Faith," or Arkanu 'l-Iman, " the Pillars of Faith.' [ISLAM.] Based on <a href=" ">Hughes, Dictionary of Islam</a> CancelTweetShareRedditEmail