Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Juan Cole: Infidel or Pagan? Understanding Kufr (كفر) in the Qur’an | Muhammad the Prophet of Peace
Gabriel Said Reynolds of Notre Dame writes: “In this video I interview Professor Juan Cole, the Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the […]
Never Forget: Jews and Muslims have Often imagined themselves in History as Siblings and Allies
Excerpted from Tingis. Historically, and even theologically, Jews have always been closer to Muslims than they were to Christians. It was in Muslim lands, the […]
The Past, Present and Future of Israel/Palestine – Juan Cole, Sherene Seikaly and Zachary Lockman
Massachusetts Peace Action: The Hamas attacks in Israel and Israel’s war on and invasion of Gaza are the latest rounds in a long-running conflict. In […]
How Long will Palestinians go on being Scapegoats for the West’s Atrocities in WWII?
Seattle, Wa. (Special to Informed Comment; Featured) – If an Arab writer would create a Palestinian version of Schindler’s List, and if an Arab, or […]
Juan Cole on Ridley Scott’s “Napoleon” (StayTunedNBC)
Here is the interview Alex Greaney of StayTunedNBC did with Juan Cole about the Egypt scenes in Ridley Scott’s film, “Napoleon.” StayTunedNBC: “Juan Cole on […]
How I express my diasporic Palestinian Grief through Art
Liz Bajjalieh November 14, 2023 ( Waging Nonviolence ) – I woke up on Oct. 7 to a Facebook timeline full of friends posting about […]
That Time when Napoleon Bonaparte’s Army in Palestine Burned Crops, Pounded Houses with Artillery, and Cut off Water to Cities
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On 24 June 1799 General Louis-Alexandre Berthier wrote a dispatch from Ottoman Palestine back to the French Ministry of War […]
Gaza: What Aid Agencies can hope to Achieve under the Strict Limits of the 4-Day Pause
By Sarah Schiffling, Hanken School of Economics; and Chris Phelan, Edge Hill University | – (The Conversation) – The four-day humanitarian pause in Israel’s assault […]
Demanding an End to Israel’s Military Assault on Gaza’s Educational Sector
Committee on Academic Freedom, Middle East Studies Association. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Fax: +972-2-5664838 Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant pniot@mod.gov.il Brigadier General Hisham […]