Nothing takes me from the butterflies of my dreams to my reality: not dust and not fire. What will I do without roses from Samarkand? […]
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Can We Safeguard Our Democracy After Supreme Court Decision?
The Supreme Court’s evisceration of our campaign finance rules is a powerful argument for the cleansing properties of sunlight. We should respond to McCutcheon by pushing for the full and timely disclosure of every penny donated to advance a political…
Will electoral Fraud undermine Afghanistan’s new President?
(By Djeyhoun Ostowar) War-torn Afghanistan does not possess a civil registry. It therefore lacks reliable statistics. Given widespread corruption, the absence of an identification system […]
In Iraq Elections, Rich Parties get Richer on State Funds
(By Mustafa Habib | Baghdad | Niqash) Election posters are everywhere now that campaigning has officially started. Campaigning for Iraq’s general elections officially began this […]
Dear America: Climate Change is threatening Water, Plants, Animals & doesn’t care what Party you belong To
(By Juan Cole) A Gallup poll has found that only 35% of Americans are concerned about climate change, and that proportion is barely up from […]
After Karzai: Afghanistan votes for a New President amid Security Threats
Afghanistan poised for uncertain election as US forces exit (via AFP) Afghanistan heads to the polls Saturday to choose a new president after Hamid Karzai’s […]
ACLU Complains: CIA to Filter Release by Senate of Torture Report
(By Sarah Lazare) The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee voted Thursday to partially lift the media and public blackout of its 6,300 page investigation into widespread […]
Hope for Ending Gas and Coal: US Wind Energy Is Breaking Records
Originally published on AWEA. Washington, D.C., — Wind energy is breaking records across the U.S., thanks to long-needed transmission upgrades that are relieving congestion on the power grid and allowing more clean energy to reach consumers. Last…
US National Security hijacked, flown into Bermuda Triangle of Mysteries
(By Tom Engelhardt) Isn’t there something strangely reassuring when your eyeballs are gripped by a “mystery” on the news that has no greater meaning and […]
Top 5 Things wrong with US AID Social Media Plot Against Cuba
(By Juan Cole) The US Agency for International Development established a microblogging platfrom similar to Twitter for Cubans. It used it to promote critical discussion […]