Over the past 15 months, the international community has failed to prevent genocidal atrocities in Gaza. Dismantling the UN refugee agency would perfect the nightmare. […]
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By the Way, Your Home Is On Fire: The Climate of Change and the Dangers of Stasis
(By Rebecca Solnit via Tomdispatch) As the San Francisco bureaucrats on the dais murmured about why they weren’t getting anywhere near what we in the […]
When it is Feinstein being Spied on, Suddenly she Squawks
(By Juan Cole) Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) took to the senate floor on Tuesday to denounce the Central Intelligence Agency for spying on her staff […]
Libya’s Parliament dumps PM Zeidan, Elects al-Thinni, over Oil Tanker Crisis
(By Juan Cole) In a series of dramatic political moves, the Libyan General National Congress on Tuesday carried out a vote of no confidence in […]
“Normalizing” Suicide Bombing: What the Assassination of Abu Khaled al-Soury Says about Jihadism Today
(Jeffrey William Lewis) On February 23 the Winter Olympics in Sochi Russia concluded peacefully. A terrorist attack by Chechen Black Widow suicide bombers—much feared and […]
Edward Snowden: The US is Undermining its own Cybersecurity
SXSW: Snowden Touts Encryption, Swipes at NSA (via slashdot) In a Google Hangout with an auditorium full of South by Southwest attendees, government whistleblower (and […]
Obama’s Rules: US Drones in Yemen – ‘Psychological Torture’ from Above
(By Sarah Lazare) As the United States steps up covert drone strikes on Yemen, with three suspected U.S. drone attacks killing at least four people in Yemen […]
The War on Terror Jumps the Shark as Everyone in the Mideast accuses everyone else of Terrorism
(By Juan Cole) In early December of last year, Lebanese Shiite leader Hassan Nasrallah of Hizbullah accused Saudi Arabia of being behind the bombing of […]
Ukraine Muslims wary of Crimea Referendum on Joining Russia
Crimean Tatars wary of Russia referendum (via AFP) Victims of Stalin’s mass deportations in 1944, Crimea’s Tatar Muslim minority look warily on next week’s referendum […]
Can Int’l Community help stop Libya’s Slide into Chaos?
(By Sarah Leah Whitson) (Tripoli) – The international community should agree to provide assistance to Libya’s flailing judicial system, Human Rights Watch said . . […]