Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A team of researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Yale has published a study in […]
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Five Women Human Rights Activists who are Changing the Middle East
By Tasnim Nazeer Despite setbacks in the wake of the “Arab Spring”, the region’s female activists gained strength following the uprisings and have no plans […]
Sec. Hagel threatens to cut $1.6 bn Pakistan aid b/c Drone Protests Blocking NATO Convoys
by Sarah Lazare U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel threatened Pakistani [leaders] on Monday with cutting off up to $1.6 billion in aid if the country's […]
Has a European Boycott of Israeli Colonies in the Palestinian West Bank Begun?
By Juan Cole First, the European Union decided last summer to exclude Israeli Occupation institutions from Israel-EU cooperation initiatives. That is, Israeli institutions are routinely […]
Jon Stewart: NSA Totally Doing all those Things Obama Admin denied they were Doing
Jon Stewart reviews the false statements by President Obama and administration officials about the nature and scope of National Security Agency electronic surveillance of Americans. […]
Video of the Day: Turkish Economy Flourishing but needs to go Green
Euronews reports, “Turkey’s economy continues to boom” Euronews notes that the Turkish economy had a growth spurt in the third quarter, and it is certainly […]
Dear Pres. Obama: Dissent isn’t Possible in a Surveillance State
By Juan Cole In his stirring eulogy of Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first president to be legitimately elected, by the entire South Africa people, President […]
Presidents shaking Hands with Dictators
By Juan Cole President Barack Obama’s casual hand shake with Cuban president Raul Castro at the memorial for Nelson Mandela has, predictably, set off a […]
Egypt’s crisis is structural
Egypt has been struggling to get back to normal, but the damage caused by decades of dictatorship has caused many Egyptians to consider military rule […]
Google, Microsoft, Silicon Valley Giants Demand Rollback of out-of-control NSA Spying
By Andrea Germanos In an open letter to President Obama and members of Congress, AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter and Yahoo, write: We […]