Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A team of researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Yale has published a study in […]
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Tim Berners-Lee Warns “Tide of Surveillance and Censorship” threatens Democracy
Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web in 1990, is disturbed at the revelations of the degree of surveillance pursued by governments of ordinary […]
Another Reason to Divest: Global outrage at dirty Coal threatens Investors’ Profits
The divestment movement on US college campuses against Big Carbon (coal, oil and gas) signals more than just the arrival of a new, determined and […]
Does Syria Stalemate Benefit Baath Regime?
Although it is hard to know what is going on in Syria on the ground, it does seem clear that the momentum is with the […]
CIA drone strikes Militant Seminary in Pakistan Proper, Killing 6 (Ross)
Alice K. Ross writes at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism A CIA drone strike hit a religious school in Hangu, Pakistan [on Thursday], killing at […]
How We the People can Stop Climate Change through Disinvestment (Gitlin)
Todd Gitlin writes at Apocalyptic climate change is upon us. For shorthand, let’s call it a slow-motion apocalypse to distinguish it from an intergalactic […]
Tony Blair let the American NSA Spy on Millions of Britons and Store their Private Data
The Guardian and Channel 4 News report that Tony Blair allowed the US National Security Agency to spy on millions of Britons, and to record […]
US seeks Broad Powers, Immunity for post-2014 Troops in Afghanistan (Lazare)
Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Wednesday that a text had been agreed on between the US and the government of President Hamid Karzai […]
Syrian Civil War Spreads to Lebanon: Beirut Shaken by Iran Embassy Blast, kills 23, wounds 150
Al-Hayat [Life] reports on the targeting by two suicide bombers of the Iranian embassy in south Beirut on Tuesday, which killed 23, including the Iranian […]
Egypt: Youth Remember Martyrs, Reject both Army and Muslim Brotherhood
A couple of thousand demonstrators came into Tahrir Square on Monday evening to commemorate the massacre of protestors at Muhammad Mahmoud St. off Tahrir Square […]