Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A team of researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Yale has published a study in […]
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Dear Press: Stop Enthusing About Habitable Planets until People like Va.’s Cuccinelli Stop Destroying this One
The issue of habitable planets, earth’s own disastrous climate change, and Virginia politics don’t intersect every day. But today they do, and that does not […]
Israelis plan new Colonies, Oil Drilling, on Palestinian Land during “Peace Talks”
The current round of so-called peace talks between Israel and Palestine is marked by so much bad faith on the part of the Israelis that […]
White Terrorist is “Gunman,” “Alleged Shooter,” no Mention of Wingnut ‘New World Order’ Beef
This Chicago Tribune story amalgamated from its sources and wire services on the LAX shooter is interesting for its language. Paul Anthony Ciancia, 23, is […]
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Kerry in Cairo
US Secretary of State John Kerry is in Cairo on Sunday in his first trip to Egypt since last spring, when Muslim Brotherhood President Muhammad […]
CIA Drone Kills Pakistan Taliban Leader on Eve of Peace talks with Islamabad
The CIA drone strike in North Waziristan yesterday killed 25 persons and targeted a high-level meeting of the Pakistani Taliban (Tehrik-i Taliban Pakistan or TTP). […]
“Disposition Matrix”: America’s Drone Wars and Civilian Casualties (Moyers)
Bill Moyers reports on America’s drone wars The blurb: “America’s Drone Wars November 1, 2013 This week, members of Congress heard testimony for the first […]
Al Gore on the Oil, Gas and Coal Bubble: Investors Beware! (Queally)
John Queally writes at Former U.S. Vice President turned climate campaigner Al Gore and his longtime business partner David Blood, a former Goldman Sachs […]
Scrooge Republicans prefer Pentagon White Elephants to Food Stamps for Poor Children
As of today, Republican cuts in food stamp support present a challenged nearly 23 million American households in keeping their children from hunger. Some 76% […]
Top Ten Reasons the US should Stay out of Iraq and put Conditions on Arms Sales
The US invasion and occupation of Iraq 2003-2011 threw that country into civil war and long-term guerrilla insurgency. Once an insurgency begins, it often lasts […]