Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Israeli Air Force on Thursday extended its total war on its neighbors to Yemen for a fourth time. The […]
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Jim Carrey: Fox ‘News’ is “A media colostomy bag… a public health issue” (Video)
Comedian Jim Carrey has hit back at Fox Cable News for its campaign of defamation in the wake of his release of a video parodying […]
Why this and not that? America’s topsy turvy priorities
Why this and not that? I don’t understand my own country much of the time. For instance, in his first major public speech after resigning […]
Obama’s Israel Trip Reinforced Dangerous Fantasies of the Right on Iran (Chernus)
Ira Chernus writes at Barack Obama came to Israel and Palestine, saw what he wanted to see, and conquered the mainstream media with his […]
Egypt’s War on Satire: Prosecutor Summons Cairo’s Jon Stewart
I have long held that the worst thing about religious fundamentalism is that it is humorless. And, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood is proving me right. […]
As they did to Iraq, they would Do to Iran (Jamiol Cartoon)
Recycled WMD charges: From Jamiol’s World
How We’re making a Frankenstein’s Monster of our Climate (Giesen)
Tom Giesen writes in a guest column at Informed Comment The option to avoid 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C) of global warming – our […]
Dear Rightwing Catholic Islamophobes: Pope Francis just washed the feet of a Poor Muslim
Pope Francis on Maundy Thursday declined to address enormous crowds. Instead he went to a prison to emulate Jesus’s act of humility before his crucifixion […]
Vaccinations are not Harming our Children, but Coal sure is!
Yet again, researchers have found that there is no link between vaccines and autism. It is a myth, a hysteria, and a dangerous one, since […]
Carter: Guinea Worm parasite on verge of being wiped out (Cenk Uygur)
Cenk Uygur interviews former president Jimmy Carter concerning his imminent complete eradication of the deadly guinea worm: This extremely impressive achievement of Carter and his […]