Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Ireland has filed a declaration with the International Court of Justice of its intention to intervene in South Africa’s genocide […]
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European Human Rights Court finds CIA Guilty of Torture
For the first time, the European Court of Human Rights has found the US Central Intelligence Agency guilty of torturing and sodomizing an innocent man. […]
Firearms used in 300,000 crimes a year in US (Poster)
reprint edn. Some 300,000 violent crimes are committed each year in the US with the aid of a firearm.. One of the arguments for not […]
Semi-Automatic firearms are Military Weapons: Lets at least Limit the Magazines
One of the two guns the Connecticut shooter used to murder 20 children and 6 adults was a Glock semi-automatic. This datum is not surprising. […]
NASA: Portrait of a Polluted Atmosphere
From NASA: portrait of global aerosols (particulate matter in the atmosphere, including pollution): Note that the image is a simulation created with high-powered software to […]
Questions I ask myself about Connecticut School Shooting
I ask myself, “Why?” Why do US cable news networks intensively cover these mass shootings, making it the only story for a day or two […]
39 Murders by Gun Annually in Britain; 9,000 in US
Reprint edn. Number of Murders, United States, 2009: 15,241 Number of Murders by Firearms, US, 2009: 9,146 Number of Murders, Britain, 2008*: 648 (Since Britain’s […]
Top Ten GOP Myths about Libya that Sank Susan Rice
The charge against US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice was led by a handful of Republican senators and congressmen, and based on the […]
Why HSBC “money-laundering” is Mostly about US Bullying Foreign Policy
The “money-laundering” scandal about British bank HSBC is a mixed picture. On the one hand, bank officials laundered money for Mexican drug cartels, allegedly knowingly, […]
Will Egyptian Left & Liberals Urge a “No” vote on Constitution or Boycott?
The left, liberal and centrist parties grouped in the National Salvation Front have decided to campaign for a “no” vote on the constitution in the […]