Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo made 2024 a hard year […]
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Medley of Grey-Faced Republican Men on Duty of Raped Women to Bear the Child (Video)
A medley of grey-faced Republican men with two-dollar haircuts fulminating on rape and the duty of raped women to bear their rapist’s baby:
Romney & Ryan Self-Help Book on Rape (Jamiol Cartoon)
Courtesy Paul Jamiol
Candidates flee East Coast as Frankenstorm takes Revenge for their Ignoring Climate Change
Mitt Romney and Joe Biden have canceled campaign events planned for this weekend at Virginia Beach as a massive storm bears down on the east […]
Jon Stewart: Romney/ Bain record on Picking Winners much Worse than Obama’s
Wherein Jon Stewart of the Daily Show on Comedy Central examines the proposition that Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital can pick winners and losers among investment […]
Omar Khayyam (338) “Who’ll hear the secret?”
Where is an intimate friend who’ll hear the […]
Brandeis U. Owes Jimmy Carter an Apology: Israelis agree they run Apartheid State, as Far Right Wing Coalition Emerges
In 2007, Jimmy Carter’s book Palestine: Peace, not Apartheid created a firestorm of controversy. Brandeis University initially said it would only allow Carter to speak […]
Tina Fey tells off Republicans Todd Akin, Joe Walsh and Richard Mourdock (Video)
Comedian Tina Fey tells off the Republican candidates for the Senate and the House of Representatives as “gray-faced men with 2-dollar hair cuts” who are […]
The United Nations will Investigate Civilian Deaths in US Drone Strikes
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism writes The United Nations plans to set up a special investigation unit examining claims of civilian deaths in individual US […]
Egypt President condemns Israeli Air Raids on Gaza
Aljazeera Arabic is reporting on a speech by Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi on Wednesday evening Cairo time, in which the Muslim Brotherhood figure condemned Israeli […]