On Christmas Day, I like to recall the significance of Jesus and the nativity for Muslims. I’ve talked about Rumi, Attar, and other mystics. Today […]
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Top Ten Mitt Romney Solutions to our Problems
1. Expensive emergency room care for those who have no health insurance. 2. Higher taxes on the middle class. 3. Lower taxes on millionaires. 4. […]
Muslims are no Different, or why Bill Maher’s blood libel is Bigotry
Comedian Bill Maher puts himself in the company of “9/11 liberals” who believe that Islam as a religion is different and decidedly worse than all […]
The Iran Crisis boils Again (What to Read)
Trita Parsi of the Iranian-American Council is our guide:
Kim Jong Style (Parody of Psy’s Gangnam Style)
Barely Political’s parody set in North Korea:
Libya Security crisis in Wake of Killing of US Ambassador (Links)
Sunday’s Recommended Reading
(Still getting used to this new plugin. If the link is truncated below, just click on the tweet’s author or the hashtag & it should […]
Top Ten ways Corporate Food is Making us Fat and threatening our Food Supplies
While it is much better than the fascisms of the Right and the Left, one of the big drawbacks of corporate democracy is that the […]