Greenfield, Mass. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Pick up any US liberal newspaper today and there are reams of columns speculating on the fate […]
Main Content
Omar Khayyam (145) “my bewilderment”
I was disturbed that he brought me into being, and nothing has grown through my life like my bewilderment at it. We’re forced to […]
Tahrir Square Now
Egypt after soft military coup: I don’t think they’re haaapy. By the way, American news channels: this is news.
Revolutionaries Vow return to Tahrir Square in face of Military Power Grab
Several parties, unions and organizations called for big demonstrations on Tusday in Tahrir Square in Cairo. They will be protesting the issuance on Monday by […]
Omar Khayyam (143) “Religious zealots are all jackasses”
Those religious zealots are all jackasses, who’re carrying a burden of deceit. And most amazing of all, under cover of their self-denial they sell their religion! […]
Syria Spirals down into Sectarian War (Cole at Truthdig)
My column is out at Truthdig, “Sectarian Violence Undermines Syrian Regime” Excerpt: “The Syrian government’s resort to Alawite death squads in recent weeks, however, has […]
Egypt: Fundamentalist President + Junta = ?
Since December, Egypt has had as its president a military council, and as its legislature the Muslim Brotherhood. It is possible this morning that Egypt […]
Omar Khayyam (138) “Don’t throw your precious lives to the wind…”
Don’t fall for this world’s enticements, you amateurs! You know all about its tricks. Don’t throw your precious lives to the wind. Get yourself a […]
What America would be like if it was like Afghanistan (Engelhardt)
Tom Engelhardt writes at Tomdispatch [satire alert] It Couldn’t Happen Here, It Does Happen There The Value of American — and Afghan — Lives By […]
Father’s Day (Louis C.K.)
Comedian Louis C.K. on Father’s Day: