Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A team of researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Yale has published a study in […]
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The US Congress’s UNESCO Problem: Daily Show
Comedy Central’s John Oliver sends up the US congressmen who stupidly and wickedly cut off funding to UNESCO because 100 member nations voted to admit […]
Omar Khayyam (67)
They say that drunkards are consigned to hell; but that makes no sense and the heart cannot accept it. If lovers and lushes are going […]
AH-64 Apache Helicopter Crashes in Afghanistan
Apache helicopter crash in Afghanistan– incredibly no one was hurt. Apparently this video was leaked, and we don’t hear about woundings, crashes and other negative […]
Fayyad: Stop Exploiting Palestinian Children for Terror
Obama, GOP won’t Tell Americans that Iran Sanctions drive Gas Prices
President Barack Obama campaigned on energy issues on Wednesday, visiting a handful of oil wellheads on Federal land in New Mexico and a solar installation […]
Romney Taking Santorum for a Ride in Illinois (Graphic)
Etch-a-Sketch Romney (Cartoon)
“Can Romney shake off his aide’s gaffe?”
Omar Khayyam (66)
I don’t drink wine for sheer enjoyment nor to corrupt my morals nor for irreligion or bad character. I want to tame my carnal soul […]
SBC’s Land: Romney’s Mormonism “Like Islam” (Here we go Again)
It turns out that from a hard-right American evangelical point of view, the US public may have a choice between two Muslims, or two ‘may […]