Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – India installed 24.5 new gigawatts of solar power in 2024, along with 3.4 gigawatts of new wind. That represented a […]
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Israeli PM Netanyahu attacks Gen. Dempsey as Servant of Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have launched a vicious attack on US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. […]
Santorum’s Clarifier: Rick Condemned Obama’s Radical Islamic Theology
Santorum surrogate’s slip of the tongue Santorum sent his spokesperson Alice Stewart out to explain that when he condemned President Obama’s “theology” for “not being […]
Washington’s Farewell Address and the Middle East
What would happen if we substituted “the Middle East” for “Europe” in George Washington’s Farewell address? Emphasis and words in brackets added. “Observe good faith […]
Omar Khayyam (34)
Pagan temples and mosques are all houses of worship. Ringing church bells are hymns of worship. The sacred thread of the Parsee, the synagogue, the […]
Top Ten Ways Iran is Defying US, EU Oil Sanctions and How You are Paying for It All
It wasn’t supposed to be like this, the Neocons assured us. Iran would soon be on its knees because of ever more stringent US sanctions […]
US Interventions in the World since WW II
US military and CIA interventions in the world since World War II.
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Uncle Sam, Global Gangster
With the United States now well into the second decade of what the Pentagon has styled an “era of persistent conflict,” the war formerly known as the global war on terrorism (unofficial acronym WFKATGWOT) appears increasingly fragmented and…
Omar Khayyam (33)
Night and day preceded you and me. The vault of the sky revolved upon some work. Be careful to tread lightly on the earth– you’re […]
Ayatollah Santorum Excommunicates Obama, Mainstream Protestants
Rick Santorum attacked President Obama on Saturday for his theology. Although people assumed that Santorum was, like other conservatives, hinting around that Obama is not […]