I am reprinting part of this essay that appeared in Renovatio, the literary magazine of a small Muslim liberal arts college — Zaytuna — in […]
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US Public Backs Obama, Wants out of Afghanistan
79% of Americans agree with President Obama’s plan to take a third of US troops out of Afghanistan over the next two years, and 59% […]
Senate Committee Backs Obama on Libya as Rebels capture major Arms Depot
Muammar Qaddafi’s increasingly beleagured security forces were hit with three demoralizing developments on Monday and Tuesday. First, the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations voted […]
Qaddafi, son, indicted by International Criminal Court
The International Criminal Court has issued indictments against Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam, and the head of the secret police. This move […]
Rudolph: US Inequality Quiz
Can You Pass The US Inequality Quiz? The American mainstream media regularly laments the incontrovertible reality of rising inequality yet rarely provides historical perspective or […]
Notar: Syria and the Palestine Card
Paul Notar writes a guest column for Informed Comment: Palestine: Bashar Assad’s Ace in the Hole? by Paul Notar There has been much speculation in […]
The Audacity of the Gaza Flotilla
A new Gaza aid flotilla is set to take off from Greece on Sunday, including 600 persons representing 22 countries, on ten ships. Pulitzer-prize winning […]
House Libya Vote: Anti-War or Just Anti-Obama?
The Republican-dominated US House of Representatives voted down an authorization for President Obama to have the US participate in the Libya War on Friday. (Many […]
Afghanistan: How will Taliban React to Obama Drawdown?
Aljazeera English reports the Taliban have rejected President Obama’s plans for Afghanistan, but that President Hamid Karzai welcomed steps that would return the country to […]
Kukis: Leave Iraq, Too
Mark Kukis writes a guest column for Informed Comment: Leaving Iraq: Why total U.S. military withdrawal is best By Mark Kukis The Obama administration’s move […]