I am reprinting my column this week from Tomdispatch.com . Check in over there for the essential introduction of the invaluable Tom Engelhardt. My name […]
Main Content
House Libya Vote: Anti-War or Just Anti-Obama?
The Republican-dominated US House of Representatives voted down an authorization for President Obama to have the US participate in the Libya War on Friday. (Many […]
Afghanistan: How will Taliban React to Obama Drawdown?
Aljazeera English reports the Taliban have rejected President Obama’s plans for Afghanistan, but that President Hamid Karzai welcomed steps that would return the country to […]
Kukis: Leave Iraq, Too
Mark Kukis writes a guest column for Informed Comment: Leaving Iraq: Why total U.S. military withdrawal is best By Mark Kukis The Obama administration’s move […]
Cole/Goodman Interview on the Obama Drawdown and the Afghanistan War
Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow! interviewed me Wednesday on the significance of President Obama’s announcement of a significant drawdown of US troops from Afghanistan. Here is […]
DemocracyNow! On Bush/CIA Spy Mission against Juan Cole
Amy Goodman devoted her whole program on Wednesday to an interview with Glenn Carle and me, much of which centered on Mr. Carle’s revelations about […]
Obama: The Tides of War are Receding
June 22, 2011 Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery On the Way Forward in Afghanistan Washington, D.C. June 22, 2011 As […]
The End of the Beginning in Afghanistan
Breaking news: CNN is reporting that President Obama has decided to take 30,000 troops out of Afghanistan over the next year eighteen months, including 10,000 […]
Stewart Figures out what Rupert is Up To
Jon Stewart explains what Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Cable News thinks it is actually about, and it has nothing to do with fair reporting. The Daily […]
Key developments in the Arab Spring Today
Tens of thousands of Yemenis took to the streets Monday to demand an end to the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh and a move to […]