I am reprinting my column this week from Tomdispatch.com . Check in over there for the essential introduction of the invaluable Tom Engelhardt. My name […]
Main Content
Casio Watches an Arresting Offense in Afghanistan: Wikileaks on Guantanamo
Wikileaks has released the Pentagon assessments of nearly 800 suspected al-Qaeda prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay to newspapers such as the Washington Post. The documents […]
The Tyrants Strike Back
Syria Early Monday morning, columns of Syrian tanks led the way into the southern city of Deraa (pop. 75,000), followed by infantry brigades who took […]
Fighting Rages in Misrata despite Withdrawal Pledge
Fighting continued in Misrata on Sunday morning despite claims of the Qaddafi regime that it was withdrawing its troops from the city, which seems to […]
Syrian Security fires on Protesters, Kills 90
You never issue an ultimatum unless you are prepared for war. Syrian President Bashar al-Asad abolished the forty-year-old emergency law on Thursday, and he had […]
Free Libyan fighters exult in small Victories, as US begins Drone Strikes
In the west on the Tunisian border, Berber rebel troops have taken a checkpoint and chased away 200 Qaddafi loyalists, who took refuge in Tunisia. […]
Apple Tracking likely a “Bug” or Oversight
The database of all our movements being kept on our iPhones by Apple is likely a software bug or oversight, according to John Gruber. The […]
Thousands Protest in Syria as Emergency Law is Lifted
Massive protests have forced the Baathist regime of Bashar al-Asad to lift the state of emergency that has governed the country since 1963. Without the […]
Bush’s Pre-War Iraq Oil Deals Alarmed BP
George W. Bush was quietly approaching US petroleum corporations and trying to do deals with the French and Russian governments and their energy companies regarding […]
Starship Amerika and Obama’s GPS Surveillance (Cole in Truthdig)
My column in Truthdig is out: “Starship Amerika.” Excerpt: ‘President Barack Obama is actually siding with police who want to use GPS devices to track […]