Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A team of researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Yale has published a study in […]
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Mubarak Defies a Humiliated America, Emulating Netanyahu
It should be remembered that Egypt’s elite of multi-millionaires has benefited enormously from its set of corrupt bargains with the US and Israel and from […]
Mubarak’s Basij
On Wednesday, the Mubarak regime showed its fangs, mounting a massive and violent repressive attack on the peaceful crowds in Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo. […]
Why Egypt 2011 is not Iran 1979
Alarms have been raised by those observing the popular uprising in Egypt that, while it is not itself a Muslim fundamentalist movement, the Muslim fundamentalists […]
Pressman: The Cyclical vs. the Fundamental in U.S. Policy
Jeremy Pressman writes in a guest column for Informed Comment The Cyclical vs. the Fundamental in U.S. Policy: Suddenly both are in flux If you […]
Saad’s Revolution: Cole at Truthdig
My tribute to Saad Eddin Ibrahim, with whom I studied, is out at Truthdig. Excerpt: ‘ Saad Eddin Ibrahim has spoken out forcefully on human […]
Million-Person Marches and the Army Backs Off
Despite efforts of the regime of Hosni Mubarak to forestall it by canceling trains to Cairo and throwing up checkpoints, masses of Egyptians poured into […]
Day of Wrath no. 7 in Egypt
50,000 protesters in Tahrir Square on 7th day of Wrath, as Muslim Brotherhood backs off Elbaradei endorsement. Army fires heavy artillery warning shots in air […]
Million-Person March Planned as Elbaradei made Opposition Leader
Protesters in downtown Cairo on Monday morning were calling for a general strike. On Tuesday, they said they will launch a ‘million-person march,’ clearly with […]
Kolin: How the US Became a Police State
Andrew Kolin writes in a guest column for Informed Comment To understand how the U.S. government became a police state, look no further than how […]