Greenfield, Mass. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Pick up any US liberal newspaper today and there are reams of columns speculating on the fate […]
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From ’shock and awe’ to ‘advise and assist’ in Iraq
My appearance on the PBS current affairs show Need to Know this weekend with Alison Stewart is now available on the Web. I was discussing […]
Dear Rev. Graham: Obama was not born a Muslim and neither is anyone else
Evangelist (and hateful bigot) Franklin Graham said this weekend that President Obama was ‘born a Muslim’ because, he said, Islam is transmitted through the father […]
Sindh Cities inundated as Flooding continues;
Fears of advances by al-Qaeda
Frenetic efforts to repair a 20 foot breach in the barrage guarding the major Sindhi city of Shahdadkot succeeded in keeping the city from being […]
Taliban Ambush Kills 30 on Road Crew in Helmand;
60% of Americans Oppose Afghan War
Word is trickling out now about a Taliban attack on workers and security guards that killed some 30 persons and wounded 15 others, while yet […]
Cole on PBS ‘Need to Know’
I’ll be interviewed by Alison Stewart on the PBS ‘Need to Know’ current affairs program on Friday evening in most markets, though the show may […]
Iraqis differ in Reactions to US Combat Troops’ Departure
Aswat al-Iraq reports on reactions to the withdrawal of US combat brigades from Iraq in the southern Iraqi city of Basra. The head of the […]
Last US Combat Units withdraw from Iraq
The last US combat convoy left Iraq on Thursday, rather some time after George W. Bush declared an end to combat operations in Iraq in […]
Bolton was Contradicted by Bush on Iran’s Bushehr Reactor
Former US ambassador and perennial angry old crank John Bolton is so upset about the possibility that Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor will soon go live […]
59 Dead, 120 Wounded in Iraqi Suicide Bombing;
Iraqi Parties reject US Power Sharing Proposal
The Telegraph reports that 59 persons are dead and 120 wounded in a suicide bombing attack on potential army recruits in Baghdad. There may have […]