Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for the Israeli-Occupied Palestinian Territories, reacted forcefully to the complete destruction by the Israeli […]
Main Content
Fadlallah’s Life and the Shiite Wave
The death of Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Husain Fadlallah at age 75 in Beirut marks the passing of a cleric revered by many Shiite Muslims and […]
On Fourth of July, Let Iraq Go
The Fourth of July celebrates the Declaration of Independence of the American colonies of Great Britain, on the grounds that they deserved representative government and […]
Steele blames Obama for Afghanistan, Defends Iraq War
Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele has provoked a furor by remarks he made on President Obama’s Afghanistan policy at a GOP fundraiser in Noank, […]
Fundamentalist bombings of Lahore mystical Shrine leave 42 Dead, 175 Wounded
The FT says that at least two suicide bombers struck at the shrine of medieval Sufi master Datta Ganj Bakhsh (Sayyid Ali Hujwiri), the patron […]
Hurricane Alex Halts Efforts to Deal with Gulf Oil Gusher
VOA reports that the oil skimming ships are gone. The booms protecting islands and marshes have been torn from their anchors. Sand bags have been […]
June Deadliest Month for NATO in Afghanistan;
Congress cuts Civilian Aid by $4 bn.
As the Senate confirmed Gen. David Petraeus as commander of US troops in Afghanistan, CNN estimated that 101 NATO troops (including Americans) were killed in […]
Petraeus confirmed Quickly by Committee;
Seminary rioting, Jalabad Airport Bombings
The LAT reports on the lightning speed with which the Senate Armed Forces Committee confirmed the appointment of Gen. David Petraeus as commander of US […]
Turkey Forbids Israeli Military Overflights
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday in Toronto in the wake of the G20 conference that Turkey will no longer routinely give Israeli […]
Walthen: I saw 100 Dolphins in the Oil, some Dying
John L. Walthen and companions take a helicopter trip out over the Gulf of Mexico. “This was the most emotionally disturbing video I have ever […]