Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Basil Maghribi at the Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Energy and Infrastructure Minister Eli Cohen ordered late Sunday that […]
Main Content
Jindal idles National Guardsmen He Demanded
CBS reports that after jumping up and down demanding Federal government resources for Louisiana to deal with the BP Gulf oil gusher, Republican Gov. Bobby […]
Blue Planet
Sam Lardner, “Blue Planet”:
On Ghana
Since the US is playing Ghana today, I thought it would be nice to mirror some video on, like, Ghana. So here is a Worldbusiness […]
Top Ten News that is Not News
10. “Tropical Depression Stirs Concern.” 9. ” Financial reform package wouldn’t change Wall Street much.” 8. ” In Afghanistan, Petraeus will have difficulty replicating his […]
Hurricanes could Threaten BP Ships, Relief Well Operations
Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico could force oil recovery ships to seek a safe harbor for as much as two weeks starting early July. […]
Aerial footage of tar on Pensacola Beach
Aerial footage of tar on Pensacola Beach from Escambia County Sheriff’s Office helicopter.
Bhopal Victims Protest, Draw Contrast with US Treatment of BP
T.L. Caswell on how Union Carbide’s negligence in the Bhopal chemical leak near Agra in the 1980s was punished late and lightly, whereas BP was […]
Raining Oil in Louisiana
OK Rachel Maddow says it isn’t so. Raining oil in Louisiana:
McCain Bashes Obama’s Afghan Withdrawal Timetable
As British, Poles, Dutch Plan Exit
Controversy is swirling in Washington about whether the firing of Gen. Stanley McChrystal as commander of US troops in Afghanistan has contributed to a weakening […]