Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Basil Maghribi at the Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Energy and Infrastructure Minister Eli Cohen ordered late Sunday that […]
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Big Oil’s Predations are not Your Fault
No, the BP oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico is not your fault, despite what many pundits will tell you. Back in the 1960s […]
Meh story about $1 Trillion in Minerals in Afghanistan
The report that geologists have found $1 trillion in mineral wealth in Afghanistan is less important than it seems.. That Afghanistan has minerals is not […]
Palestinians Need a State: Loosening Blockade is not Enough
One problem with the focus the Israeli raid on the Gaza aid flotilla is that it may make it appear that the Israeli blockade of […]
The Greens in Iran are a Movement, not a Coup
Small protests broke out around Iran on June 12, the anniversary of the 2009 presidential election, which protesters say was stolen by the country’s clerical […]
Schumer’s Sippenhaftung and the Children of Gaza
“Gaza” is an abstraction to most Israelis, including [partisans of Israel like] Sen. Charles Schumer of New York. A majority of the 1.5 million Gazans […]
Dayan Calls for Assassination of Erdogan via Sinking of his Proposed Aid Ship
The former deputy general Chief of Staff of the Israeli military has called for a proposed aid ship to Gaza from Turkey to be sunk […]
One Hour of Video Released by Gaza Aid Worker
A full hour of raw video from the Mavi Marmara Gaza aid ship from before and during the brutal and illegal assault on it in […]
Russia: Missiles not Covered by UN Weapons Ban on Iran
After wavering at first, Russian now maintains that the new round of UN Security Council sanctions on Iran do not forestall a sale by Moscow […]
Cameron Plans changed by RPG Threat;
Taliban Resurge in Helmand
British Prime Minister David Cameron was forced to abandon a planned visit to a military base in Helmand, Afghanistan during his trip to that country […]