Ann Arbor – (Informed Comment) – I love New Orleans, and have been known to hit the jazz clubs on Bourbon Street into the wee […]
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Dubai court annuls marriage to ‘bearded lady’
BBC News – Dubai court annuls marriage to 'bearded lady' This item will be picked up for novelty and curiosity value. But actually, the episode […]
Real News: Do the Taliban Represent the Pashtuns?
The Real News has a good video series entitled, “Do the Taliban represent the Pashtuns?” This is the sort of information US corporate media almost […]
Mahsud Dead; Marjah Residents Refuse to Flee ahead of Assault
A US and another NATO soldier were killed in Afghanistan on Tuesday. On the other side of the border, Pakistani Taliban sources announced that their […]
Salehi: Iran would back Down if West supplies LEU; Khamenei vows self-defense against ‘US-backed saboteurs’
The USG Open Source Center translated remarks of Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, regarding Sunday’s announcement by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad […]
More Nuclear Scaremongering about Iran from Clinton; Neocons Quake at Ahmadinejad threat to make . . . gasp . . . Medical Isotopes
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton engaged in some fearmongering on Iran on Sunday on Candy Crowley’s CNN magazine show, State of the Union. Here is […]
Saying ‘Constitution’ while meaning ‘Lawlessness’: Palin attacks Obama
Sarah Palin’s turn before the teabaggers was an exercise in emptying the US Constitution of meaning while seeming to exalt it. She praised US military […]
Thousands Flee Marja Area as NATO Prepares Campaign; Anti-American Rally in Kapisa
Agence France Presse reports that thousands of Afghans are fleeing an anticipated NATO/Afghan (mainly British) campaign against the Taliban stronghold of Marja, a city of […]
Undoing Lex Luthor
The red increase in job loss is the climax of Republican White House control. The blue decrease in job loss is Obama and the Democrats. […]
Reading cuts stress levels by 68%
Reading cuts stress levels by 68% | Health news | Marie Claire Well now we’ve solved the difference in approach to the world of Barack […]