Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Migrating Blog: Offline Temporarily
Sorry, folks, I have to migrate my blog to a different server and publishing software this weekend. As a result, the site will be offline […]
Israel’s Netanyahu Blows Off Obama’s Nuclear Summit
The audience at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference is said to have gone wild with applause when Liz Cheney announced the decision of Israeli Prime […]
Air Farce: Qatari Diplomat Cuffed on Plane for Smoking, & Bad Joke
Karl Marx once remarked that every historical event occurs twice, first as tragedy and then as farce. On Wednesday evening we got the farcical version […]
Sadrist Straw Poll selects Ibrahim Jaafari as candidate for Prime Minister
The straw poll conducted by the Sadr Movement, led by Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, produced the following results: Ibrahim Jaafari, (National Reform Trend): 24%Jaafar al-Sadr […]
Tomgram: Engelhardt, Numbers to Die For | TomDispatch
Tomgram: Engelhardt, Numbers to Die For | TomDispatch: “* Believe it or not, the Defense Logistics Agency shipped 1.1 million hamburger patties to Afghanistan in […]
Karzai called Erratic, even Druggie; In fact, he is posing as liberator in shadow of Empire
Here is the reason it is so important that President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan has begun behaving so erratically. It is because the path President […]
Wikileaks Video Shows US Killing of 2 Reuters Newsmen
Wikileaks on Monday released a 17 minute video of a US helicopter gunship attack on a group of Iraqi men in New Baghdad in 2007. […]
Pakistani Taliban kill 51 in strikes at Heart of US Presence, and at Secular Party
Although in the US the big news out of Pakistan on Monday, understandably, was a Taliban attack on the american consulate in Peshawar that killed […]
Bombings in Iraq kill 41, Wound 237; Attempt to tarnish al-Maliki’s reputation for improving Security;
The LAT says that at least 41 persons were killed and 237 were wounded by three suicide bomb attacks targeting the Iranian and German embassies […]