Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Ashraf al-Hur reports at al-Quds al-`Arabi [Arab Jerusalem] that the extremist government in Israel has escalated its military attacks on […]
Main Content
Florida Times-Union on Engaging the Muslim World
The Florida Times-Union has an editorial today on the US and the Muslim world (and American Muslims) that draws on my most recent book, Engaging […]
Wright: Assassinations Strengthen Religious Terrorist Groups
Robert Wright argues that not only is assassination (including by drone) legally and ethically troubling, but there is reason to think that it is counterproductive […]
Obama hints that Two-State Solution may be Impossible
President Barack Obama acknowledged Tuesday that despite the expenditure of substantial political capital by his administration it may be that no progress will be made […]
Englehardt On Bombing People from the Air
Tom Engelhardt on Americans fighting their wars ‘from on high.’ Alas, it isn’t American, it is just industrialized warfare. Pakistan is bombing its own people, […]
US Attitudes, Discourse on Israel Shifting to Realism
A dispassionate examination of Israeli policy and its negative impact on the US at the Wilson Center by 5 former ambassadors is summarized at the […]
Turkey, Brazil Come out against new Iran sanctions at Security Summit
Presidnt Obama’s nuclear security summit scored an early victory on Monday, since Obama was able to announce that Ukraine would give up its stock of […]
Israelis Could Expel Thousands of Palestinians from Palestine
New Israeli regulations allow authorities potentially to imprison or expel from the West Bank tens of thousands of Palestinians. The Israeli right has long favored […]
170 Killed in Afghanistan as Gates, Cheney, Palin Wrangle over Karzai
170 people were killed in Afghanistan during the past week in political violence, according to an interior ministry spokesman. Radio Azadi reports in Persian that […]
Blog Migration
Old-time readers please bear with me as I move the blog to a new hosting server and a new publishing software (WordPress). And, don’t worry, […]