Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Bombings Target Foreign Embassies, Kill Dozens; 25 Iraqis Killed by Sunni Extremists; Sadrists close referendum vote
The headlines out of Iraq Sunday are mainly owing to the consequences of the US troop withdrawal from that country. Update Three suicide bombs rocked […]
Pakistan Moves Further Toward Democracy; Could become a Role Model for Other Muslim states
The Pakistani government on Friday tabled a proposed 18th amendment to the constitution, which if enacted will be an enormous advance toward democratization in the […]
Obama Phones Hu over Iran Sanctions; China Stresses Peaceful Resolution; India Reviving Iran Pipeline Plan
As part of his press for increased sanctions on Iran over its civilian nuclear enrichment program, President Barack Obama called Chinese President Hu Jintao on […]
Sadrists are Holding Referendum on PM; Allawi says Would go to Iran, form Gov’t of National Unity
The party of Muqtada al-Sadr in the Iraqi parliament, with 39 seats, intends to hold a referendum on which prime ministerial candidate to support on […]
Obama to Seek Further Iran Sanctions; Amiri Defected to US, seems to deny active nuclear weapons program
President Obama is pressing for new United Nations Security Council sanctions within weeks. Although Russia and China oppose ‘crippling’ sanctions such as cutting off Iran’s […]
Singer: The pro-Israel lobby’s curious defense of an alleged Somali war criminal.
Sam Singer writes in a guest editorial for Informed Comment entitled: ‘A strange alliance at the Supreme Court: The pro-Israel lobby’s curious defense of an […]
Chalabi Moves to Disqualify 6 Elected MPs, Demote Allawi’s Party to Runner-Up
The Justice and Accountability Commission (formerly the Debaathification Commission), headed by Ahmad Chalabi, is moving to disqualify 6 elected candidates in the March 7 election […]
Alleged Christian Terrorists said to Target Moderate American Muslims
FBI raids on the Hutaree Christian militia brought to light this formerly little-known group based in Adrian, Michigan. Unlike the generally secular white supremacist organizations, […]
The Continuing Decline of a Self-styled Jihadi State
Christopher Anzalone writes in a guest editorial for Informed Comment entitled, “The Islamic State of Iraq’s Positions on Iraqi National Elections: The Continuing Decline of […]