Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Harvard Professor’s Modest Proposal: Starve the Gazans into Having Fewer Babies
Martin Kramer revealed his true colors at the Herzliya Conference, wherein he blamed political violence in the Muslim world on population growth, called for that […]
Bombing in Lashkar Gah Kills 7; Karzai Cabinet Denounces NATO over Civilian Deaths; Russia wants Heroin Industry Destroyed
Operation Enduring Freedom is now responsible for the deaths of 1,000 US troops, the bulk of them in Afghanistan. It has now also gone on […]
Facebook Fan Page
Facebook keeps promising to lift the 5000-friend limit, but has not done it. So my account over there is more or less full. Just to […]
Five Questions for the Afghan Surge; Or, Getting Past the Hype
Gen. David Petraeus, a straight shooter, admitted on Meet the Press Sunday that the Afghanistan War will take years and incur high casualties.. His implicit […]
Sunni Party to Boycott Iraq Elections
The LAT reports that the National Dialogue Front, a secular party led by Salih Mutlak, is calling for a boycott of the March 7 parliamentary […]
Top Russian General: An American Attack on Iran would lead to US Collapse; Wants to Block It; Kremlin Rejects Crippling Sanctions
It appears that, the International Atomic Energy Agency is at least allowing for the possibility that documents allegedly found on a laptop some years ago […]
Khamenei Again Decries Nukes as Illegal in Islamic Law
The USG Open Source Center monitored Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s speech at the christening of an Iranian destroyer, Jamaran, on Iranian official radio, in which […]
Hypocrisy over IRS Bomber
If you hate the US government for collecting taxes from you and are willing to fly a plane into a Federal building, you just might […]
Haqqani Son Killed in Drone Attack; 2 Taliban Leaders Captured; 4 NATO Troops KIA in Marjah
A US drone strike on N. Waziristan has allegedly killed Muhammad Haqqani, a son of guerrilla leader Jalaluddin Haqqani. The Haqqani network is considered particularly […]