Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Gates Strikes out In Pakistan; Obama’s AfPak Policies in Disarray
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates’s trip to Pakistan this weekend has in many ways been public relations disaster, and I think it is fair […]
Milne: Haiti’s poverty is treated as some baffling quirk of history…when in reality it is the direct consequence of " . . . colonial exploitation
Seumas Milne: “Haiti’s poverty is treated as some baffling quirk of history…when in reality it is the direct consequence of a uniquely brutal relationship with […]
Iraq war was illegal, Dutch panel rules
Iraq war was illegal, Dutch panel rules | World news | Of course it was illegal. There are only two conditions under which war […]
Biden Attempts to Mediate Sunni-Shiite Struggle in lead-up to Elections
Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Baghdad on Friday in a bid to settle conflicts over the March 7 parliamentary elections. The exclusion of hundreds […]
Is the Supreme Court Decision so Important in a Web 2.0 World? Can Corporations Compete in ‘Pull’ Media World Anyway?
Of course, I– like many social critics– am dismayed at the Supreme Court ruling striking down elements of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform act, and […]
World Health Agencies Condemn Israeli Blockade of Gaza (Again); Obama’s Biggest Mideast Failure
When a relief plane for the Physicians without Borders isn’t allowed to land by US military authorities at the airport in Port-au-Prince, there is an […]
Brown Wins, Robs Dems Of Filibuster-Proof Majority
Brown Wins, Robs Dems Of Filibuster-Proof Majority – Hotline On Call Juan cannot understand why Scott Brown can be elected with just 52% of the […]
One Year Later: Did Obama Win the Iraq War?
President Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated a year ago, and this is a good time to review his major foreign policy success. It is, of […]
Top Ten Counter-Terrorism Scandals 2010
The new year is not very old, but several recent revelations cast the the US fight against al-Qaeda (a tiny if deadly fraternity of a […]