Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Foreign, Afghan Troops Allegedly Kill 6 at Rally against Western Burning of Qur’an
Oh, no. Here we go again. Some 2000 villagers from near Lashkar Gah in Helmand province mounted a demonstration against the alleged desecration of the […]
How Wall Street Could Help Haiti and Partially Redeem those Bonuses
ITN has early video of the earthquake devastation of Port au Prince, Haiti. For a quick overview of the Haitian economy, see this site. It […]
6 Allied Troops Killed in Afghanistan; Poll Shows Afghans Upbeat
Six NATO troops were killed in hostile action in Afghanistan on Monday, three of them Americans. The US troops appear to have been killed in […]
Republicans Reject Reid Half Measures, Embrace Gangsta Rap
Satire Republicans were outraged Monday by two-year-old remarks of Democratic Senate Majority leader Harry Reid about the electability of Barack Obama, in which Reid (an […]
Could the Pakistani Government Fall over Karachi Violence? What would it Mean for Obama’s War on al-Qaeda?
The ongoing political turmoil in a major Pakistani city to which few Americans pay much attention could nevertheless prove pivotal to the Obama administration’s AfPak […]
Ahmad: Shahid Alam on Israeli Exceptionalism
Ahrar Ahmad reviews M. Shahid Alam. Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), 274 pp., for IC Ahrar Ahmad writes: […]
The Other Cartoon Death Threats
Drudge Retort says, “Political cartoonist Mark Fiore wrote on his blog that he’s receiving death threats over a 90-second animated film he created that teaches […]
Why Republicans are Worried
The corporate media are in the tank for a Republican comeback in 2010, and the GOP may in fact pick up some seats in the […]
Allah Muslim-Christian Controversy in Malaysia
The riots by some Muslims in Malaysia and attacks on Christian churches over a recent court ruling allowing Christians to call God “Allah” are as […]