Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Statement on Airline Plot by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
The USG Open Source Center translates the claim of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to be behind the Christmas day bombing attempt against Northwest Flight […]
Iran Roiled, Crowds Burn Banks, Police Station; Chanting against Theocrat Khamenei; But No Revolutionary Alternative Yet
The BBC is reporting that clashes are continuing into Monday morning between protesters and the regime security forces in Tehran and perhaps other cities, marking […]
Rallies, Clashes Throughout Iran on Ashura; 4 Demonstrators Killed, including Mousavi Nephew
Opposition web sites are reporting that big protests broke out Sunday afternoon in several major cities in Iran. The rallies were confronted by police, basij […]
Muharram Violence in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan
The background for the big news in Iraq, Iran and Pakistan on Saturday and Sunday is the Shiite mourning season. Saturday was the 9th of […]
Yemen, UAE links in Detroit Terrorism Attack
Christian Purefoy is reporting on CNN that Abdul Mutallib ran into a radical Muslim network while studying in London. He was last registered in class […]
Airline suspect is Nigeria banker’s son
Airline suspect is Nigeria banker's son | Reuters Western wire services are picking up reports from the Nigerian press that Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallib is […]
Heroic Passengers foil Hare-brained Terrorist attack Above Detroit
The details of the attempted attack on the Amsterdam/ Detroit flight Friday are still murky and I don’t trust the only official from whom we […]
Bethlehem Under Occupation; In the absence of all hope, we cry out our cry of hope
Aljazeera English reports on the economic difficulties facing the Palestinian Christians of Bethlehem: Palestinian Christians are calling on the world community to end their occupation, […]
Attacks on Christians, Shiites in Iraq; Bombings kill 27
Religious passions, guerrilla attacks, and politics marred Christmas Eve in Iraq, as the Shiite holy day of Ashura also approaches on Sunday. A wave of […]